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Way Out
Just a little bit of pain.
Sunday, November 18, 20129:26 AM

"첫사랑은 아픈 걸 보면 첫사랑은 열병입니다 정신 없이 앓고 나면 오~ 어른이 되니까요..."

Just finished sending my JNCO stuff to Soong -__- Actually I promised to send him by 2AM of Sunday but then I fell asleep at 11 yesterday == Sorry too tired sigh.

>> Yesterday: Standard One Comp! (: Hahahas. Woke up at 4 because I haven't prepare my uniform -.- Okay, I seriously learnt my lesson. Reached school at 7+ and then chionged cards for them * U * Then they went to do footdrill while I changed into my full-u because I was involved in team movement. Honestly speaking, this year's Standard One Comp was very very messy .__. But nevermind, I guess we overcame the problem (: Haha, repeat common phrase: I'm glad I have geniuses as friends. Yup, and then prize presentation, first was to Bene, then second to Hera and third to Dactyl (: Thought that we were going to fail like crap but guess it was okay (: Teehee. Congrats! And the makeup this year was pretty awesome (: Not as good as mock comp's one but...not bad la 9: Didn't get to congratulate the kids because Sir C.H (I don't know how to spell) talked to me TT^TT But yeah, happy happy!

After that was log check! Went for lunch with Keane, Soong, Lau and Samantha at Kampong Arang (: And then it started raining and we didn't bring our barang barang out so we couldn't go back. So we sat there and talked about random shit (something about serial killers :b). Then after the rain stopped, we headed back and the seniors were out -.- So we played Monopoly Deal. But damn, I suck at it. LOL. And then the Standard 4s came back, so they sat around with us and when Ma'am Yihfang and Ma'am Rongying was back we headed to the SJ room and started out log check. I tell you, the log room is horrible D: There was a dusty sofa there wth. Who would put a sofa there!?!? O__O But log check was quite fun la, especially when we sat around on the floor and folded bandages (: But after log check, it rained freaking heavily ): Took 158 home because I really didn't want to brave the rain all the way to Mountbatten station :/ When I reached Kovan, omg, the place was practically flooding == My shoes became like sampans --.-- Super wet.

Had a party back home! (: Hahahaha, my family friends came and my cousin too (: Wah. LOL. Had awesome awesome pizza 8) And fried chicken from Wendy's! Frigging good! (: But I fell asleep on the couch half-way through X-men First Class and I went back to my room to sleep O__O Lolololol. Haish. And then yeah, I guess my fatigue level was like... -.- LOLOL. Okay that's all for my day!

Tuition later D: 

Okay, nothing much to say! (: Hahaha.

ME! (: