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Way Out
another me
Friday, November 16, 201212:37 AM

"Cover me..."

^ First things first, just uploaded today: THIS IS Kim Sunggyu's piano teaser of Another Me ^^ OTL This is too beautiful for words (: Even though it's quite obvious that his piano skills is not perfect (yeah, my piano teacher would literally throttle him and all) but it's just so beautiful! Aw man. And he should get promotions, he's really underrated :/ But they need to have more INFINITE time too (:

^ Second thing: another teaser! :D I swear Woollim secretly enjoys seeing us fangirl and dying with anticipation. They release stuff almost everyday but only teasers here and there and see us die trololol~ And MAN, did you see L's beautiful face? Oh my. And the way he blinks? Whattheheck, Woollim just likes to drag that moment longer so that we will die of oxygen depletion because of holding our breaths for too long.

Comptrains today was really epic! (: Came to school earlier with Peiqi to run (: On the way to school was texting her and talking about how I would find 10 guys from Busan and 10 guys from the US trolololol. SO MANY COOL PEOPLE FROM BUSAN *fangirls* Hoya, Daehyun, Yonghwa, Thunder wah wah wah. Met Geena but then she lazy pig luh, don't want to run b: Only ran 2 rounds and I swear stretching of muscles is really really important! == When I don't stretch I feel like there are weights tied down to my legs and I can barely lift them to run. Started comptrain and didn't use hostel area because Bene's back ;) But we still ended up at the hostel, just further away from Bene ;D

Case was super epic. HAHA, Xiner some troll ;) But it was quite fun luh (: Hoped the kids enjoyed doing case lolololol. When it was time to do footdrill it was raining TT^TT So we kinda got wet because it was quite a heavy rain and it just kept coming in even though we were in the shelter D: Did at the area outside LT 3 & 4 (: And we set up boundaries for them. Hahaha, got their footdrill down on video! And because of Staff Diane it's on YouTube! :DD

After comptrain went to Macs with Xiner, Peiqi, Meihwa, Kimbum, Soong, Staff Diane, Staff Junhern and Staff Mingyu (is that how you spell his name omg). Aish, forever eating fattening food -.- Waited for Aegis there too (: Hahaha don't want to elaborate on what happened during the meal but it was just epic (as usual) and Xiner threw a fry at me O__O #godieee HAHA. After that just went home (: Home sweet home~

#nowplaying 魔鬼中的天使

I wonder what goes through everyone's mind when they make certain decisions, especially those life-changing ones. Basically, I heard another a divorce case and it's not like on TV or anything but someone we know I guess. I mean, what goes through someone's mind when they say "I do" to that long long vow; how do they feel when they think "I'm finally with him/her"; whether they were using their asses (sorry) to think when they cheated on their other half; how they feel when they see the family that they built come crumbling down because of one stupid mistake; what are they going to do in the near future? I don't know. I think this is so...stupid. What's going to happen to everything they've known? And their kids? See, this is so complicated, hence I'm not getting married LOL.

Yep, and you can try Google-ing this rare disease called Lipodystrophy that actually makes people look way yyy older than they actually are by making the skin age so much faster than normal. It's hereditary and it's so sad. If you see this video on youtube where a 13 year old girl looks like she's 40 and she feels so depressed because every time she goes out people start staring at her and calling her names, and she gets bullied and everything. Not trying to act like a saint here but I guess when we were 13, or at least when I was 13, I was worrying about stupid stuff like...school (HAHA) and I was being some childish crap and everything. But she at 13 has to worry about all these things...over something she can't control. And actually, there's no cure for this disease and nothing really helps much. I don't know, I guess that's just how life is. Just babbling anw.


So damn confused about what to feel about you. Just gonna tell myself that it will all lead to false hopes. Just...nvm.

OKAY, THAT'S ALL! Gonna be a super long day tomorrow D: Have course until 6PM == OTL Okay hehehe.

ME * U *