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Way Out
Little things.
Wednesday, November 14, 201212:17 PM

"For the first time in my life I know it's real..."

YEP, life's pretty boring -.- Ugh. I've been doing absolutely nothing that actually makes me feel accomplished whatsoever. And I haven't even finish watching Shut Up Flower Boy Band == GAH. And the worst thing is...today's a Wednesday O__O Which means I've got to go see my piano teacher for an HOUR and hear her nag and scold. My fault actually, for not putting in super a lot of effort for piano but I just can't help it. I don't want to play those songs because they barely interest me 8(

Have you ever had dreams that felt so so so real that when you wake up, you have to sit on your bed for a couple of minutes, stare at the ceiling and question if it really happened? Those dreams are the ones really worth remembering. You'll never classify them under "some stupid dream" or "something totally random" or "...what was that?" but they just symbolize something you really want, something you miss, something that you need etc.

I think, a year ago, there was this dream that I can't really remember now, but it was something that I had in between sleep. Like, you dream, and then you wake up for a while but still in the dreaming state, and then you go back to sleep and continue the dream, you wake up again (you remember waking up), and then go back to sleep and when you finally wake up for good, you wonder which was real and which wasn't. So...I'd spare the details of the dream...but I really really thought it was real because I dreamt that I found something in the dream and just that afternoon I was clearing my room and I saw that item and thinking it was of no use, I just threw it away. And the situation of the dream just felt so so so real and it was really happening to me. I wanted to wake up and tell you not to pity me and everything but then I realised it was a dream. And then when I woke up, I switched on the computer and coincidentally (or not), my wallpaper had words like this:
"You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you." -Peter Pan 

And then today...I would brush it off NOW as "total crap" but for a period of time I guess that's what I really wanted and maybe I'd never experience it in real life but having it in a dream, having it so close and so real, it's enough (:

Miss some of my old primary school friends hahaha (: Met one of them when I was just walking around with my family and it felt so good to see her again (: Hope we catch up soon~

Dactyl comptrain tomorrow D: Hope we finish covering everything as soon as possible [: THIS IS A  forced smile trololol. But yeppp. Okay.

ME (: