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Way Out
Next time.
Sunday, November 11, 201210:59 PM

"The loneliest people are the kindest; the saddest people smile the brightest; the most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone suffer the way they do."

Just finished my dinner (: Hurhurhur, I'm going to grow so fat during the holidays TT^TT Every time I finish my meal, I'm either slacking around or finding more food to stuff my face D: What a pig ): Pffft. Oh well. And I've yet to touch a lot of my holiday homework == Can't find the motivation to start. And there are so many things for me to attend to, and I'm not exactly thrilled at it because...well, they're stupid. Anyway, this holiday is a teensy bit weird and different from the other years, and I don't really like it.

Today's service was so so good! :D I'm so glad I went to church today (: This guy, he wrote a book actually, and my mother bought the book. Can't wait to start on it! (: He's a pastor and he specializes in healing and stuff (: And a lot of things he said today really made me think a lot and it's good (: I've been a very bad Christian since well, forever, and I've been trying to find ways to walk or actually RUN back to God but I always end up drifting away somehow until I remember that I'm supposed to be on the way back to God ): Many people, or even me, think that one needs "special powers" to be able to pray for people and heal people but today, it made me realise otherwise (: You just need to trust God totally and then give your life to Him, knowing that He'd do the healing. You don't even need to try anything...just simply BELIEVE and then relax and let God do the work (: Same goes for praying for people and receiving prayers (: It's so good. And even though I didn't take part in the praying session this morning, I just watched and I felt so touched at the simple yet amazing faith children of God have in their Father (: It's just so amazing. And today, I actually knelt down to pray and yes, how small we all are in front of our God (: It's just...really different and fascinating. I like it (:

After church, went for tuition which was very blah .__. I was trying sooo hard not to fall asleep D: After that, met my parents at Marina Square and we just walked around there (: Had my very first cupcake from Twelve Cupcakes! But I think I made the wrong choice because the cupcake was too sweet for my liking >< My sister's one tasted nicer (: But it was still good! A bit overpriced I think == And it's a fad, just like how donuts were a fad, and frozen yogurt ;) Hahahaha. Then continued walking around. Wanted to get shoes because I have a similar pair, but I bought them 3 years ago (they're still in good condition!) but the price increased a lot ): From $89 per pair to $119 TT^TT And they didn't have the stock for the design I wanted. And my mother didn't really like my choice anyway. Things are getting so expensive nowadays ): The good thing for today was that I got new stuff! They were on saleeeeeeeeee~ :DDD Hahahaha. I just saw the super pretty colours of all the clothes and I didn't even know what kind of clothes they were, I just wanted to see the colours and everything. And then yay, ended up getting a shirt heehee! Okay, very happy now (: And new pencil case from yesterday :DD Hohohohohohohohohohohohohoho.

Which actually reminds me, I still have 3 items in my cupboard with the tags on O__O Better hurry up and wear them before my mum finds out and refuses to get me new clothes.

Okay, I seriously sound like some bimbo TT^TT I'm so sorry. It's just that the last time I actually bought clothes for myself was in...June? See how clothes deprived I am -.- Boo. (And I've got a thing for stuff with blue and white stripes, and blue in any shade D:)

I'm getting really angry with some people who are so freaking irresponsible and stubborn. You know, because of your selfishness and everything, now I've got to cover up for you guys. How wonderful. What do you take me for, a body guard? Seriously, GROW UP. I hate cleaning up after you, all your mess just because you behave like some sulky spoilt kid.

Going to watch movie with PPQ tomorrow! (: Heehee, so eggcited! :DD It's gonna be a horror movie but I hope it's nice! (:

I just wish you'd always be there whenever I feel like everything's too much to take. 

Anyway, anyone has any nice book to introduce to me? :/ I'm beginning to feel that 我真的好没有文化呀 == The last book I read was "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" and that was in June as well -.- Oh gawd.

Sunggyu trying out his aegyo in case Woohyun strikes ;D

Okay, that's all I have to say. Hope tomorrow would be a better day 8) HEY IT RHYMES.

I love you.

ME (: