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Way Out
I don't know.
Saturday, November 10, 201211:40 PM

"The beauty you are when you open your heart..."

Currently watching The Sixth Sense O__O It's supposed to be a horror movie and it's quite cool; something like Uninvited (: But then it has a more eerie aura to it TT^TT What if I can't sleep tonight kekekekekeke. The show's so deep with meaning. So much more than just a horror movie (:

>> Friday: ROUTINE TRAINING afsljfajgnfjflnawrhu D: Super not used to having RT from 8AM to 1PM on a Friday. Took a train to school and I brought my cleaning bottle with my contacts inside to school because I had no time to fish them out and put them in a proper lense case trolololol. RT that day was a bit "lost" because the Training Report was done by Lau even though we had a SMC meeting before she did the TR. But I still thought it was pretty good (: Hahaha. It was a bit more...hard for them, be it mentally or physically...yeah. Shall not elaborate on them hahaha. But I thought because of how the training sorta changed in the conduct, their performance was much better as compared to previous trainings. That's a start!

>> Today: Late start to the day :/ Went to have brunch and then came back home to bathe and get ready for briefing at HQ. Lau was supposed to be there but then since she's overseas, Peiqi was supposed to go with me but then she had something on last minute so I was a-l-o-n-e TT^TT Hurhurhur. But nah, that's okay. Hmm. Was late and when I entered the multi-purpose room THE WHOLE ROOM TURNED TO THE DOOR and I was like, what, am I a freak. And the sir in front shouted "WHAT CORP ARE YOU FROM" and I was thinking I should probably get closer before telling him in case he can't hear me but he kept repeating his question and I was like "DUNMAN HIGHHHHHHHHH" and then he just said okay -.- Whaaat. And I was going to go and emo in a corner but this random guy from this random school suddenly told me "Your friend is sitting over there" and pointed to a corner and so I looked. And it was Staff (?) Jiarong and yeah, no no no I'm not going to sit there. So I just took a seat at the back by myself trololol. Then Yinglin came and asked me why I wasn't sitting with him and I just "..." and so she asked me to sit with Jolin, Huiying, Jiaming, Estella (?) and the other guy I forgot his name >< Sorry D: So I sat with them! (: Haha, at first very awkward because I was like, the only dunman high freak but then yeah we were just talking crap and stuff and I guess it was okay (: Then after the briefing went home straight (:

The things that you've done...I will never never never forget them because they actually made me feel happy, made me feel good about myself, made me feel like I actually meant something to someone. But now, they're just something of the past and I can't let all these things go because when I feel worthless, they're here to help me get back on my feet.

How does my story end?


Maybe if this world was smaller and if people were less scary, I would feel like being myself.

Let me wish your troubles away.

The show's really really good and really really sad and if you have time, go catch it!! It's one of those shows that leave people mindfked so if you like those things...yeppp (:

I can't do everything. I'm not strong enough. It's not within my abilities. I can't make people do things if they don't want to. I'm not magical. I don't have enough power. I don't I don't I don't I don't. I can't. I just can't. Stop asking me to do things I can't. I can't make people do things. I can't.
