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Way Out
Waking up at twilight.
Saturday, October 27, 201211:44 PM

"In the world..."

^ GIF: Up is a really really really really good family show and even though I've only watched it once, it will forever forever forever be remembered (: It's so good! And so touching (: I cried during the scene where the old man starts remembering his wife and stuff :') Okay, enough of the drabbles.

So...actually not much to update .__. Just a Saturday like any other day. Just glad that it was a free Saturday and not going back to school and stuff. Don't even talk about what happened last Saturday because it was just a load of SHIT and then looking at Soong's email regarding AOP 3 and the first few words just happen to be along the lines of "after coming back from quite a blahblahblah AOP..." .__. Whatthehell, do I even need to elaborate on it. Horrible, I tell you, H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. Kinda makes me wonder why did we bother trying to break away from the norm and let our creative juices just flow flow flow flow flow instead of having a boring JNCO and SOC. Seriously. Every year do the same thing also sian la -.- As trainees and campers also sian la. As planners and seniors also sian la. Kanasai sia. But whatever. Key point? Whatever.

So went to church with my cousin today, at Trinity @ Paya Lebar. Been inside there before but not for service and stuff. The chapel was really really huge O__O Omg. Easily like, three times the size of the chapel back in my own church 8) Super cool, looks a lot like an auditorium :D Andddd it was super high-tech okay trolololol. But then again, I guess this is what you get from a rich church haha, and a large scale one in fact (: At least, compared to mine. The message was really good. And I think... I don't know, it just made me think a lot and after that I feel a lot better. I've just been feeling really guilty that I've not been devoting a lot of energy or even time for the LORD and I really really regret it ): And then all the wrong things I've been doing, be it now or in the past. But then today's message was that, once God put his righteousness on you, actually clothe you with it, no matter how many times the devil puts on all these bad things on you or even try to accuse you and everything, the cloth of righteousness will always always be there (: And no one can take it off of you. And I just felt so comforted... (: And I guess I left the place feeling a million times better than I originally did :D And I'm going back to Trinity with Felicia hahahahaha. Next Sunday ;) 

Stupid cat at my cousin's house. I really am annoyed with it but...the feeling's mutual -.-

I need to watch What Is Mom asdfghjkl 

Need to start planning my holiday. Cannot rot anymore and cannot waste it anymore D: 

You will never understand how much I felt and how horrible I felt when everything you said just ripped out every hope I had for you and I still will never fully comprehend whatever I felt. And everything I said to you, I assure you that I meant every single bit of it, even if it sounded like a joke to you. I will protect you, to the best of my abilities and until I can no longer fight for you. This is the only thing I can promise. I'm sorry I've not been there at the time when you probably needed me, but here I am, all for you, until the day you decide you don't need me anymore.

I'm sorry I wasn't enough.
