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Way Out
as long as you love me.
Saturday, October 27, 201212:42 AM

"I watched it begin again..."

I'M HERE TO BLOG AGAIN hahahaha (x I'm currently at my cousin's house, away from my home ): Quite sad and I miss nua-ing on my bed D: Hahahaha. But I'm having a nice conversation with my couzzie and I really really treasure that especially since we're all grown up now and we haven't been talking for a really long time (He's always on the computer with his headphones on and I'm always on the phone 8D) and it's just nice to talk to someone (: 

Okay, so finally, 2012 school year is over :DD I can't explain how happy I feel trolololol. But as usual, there will be this gaping hole HAHA, until the new year rolls around and then the whole thing begins again D: Oh well. Gonna study really hard. I've been saying this but I never got around doing it because I'm such a chicken but this year, really gotta start .__. Need to start doing well.

Thursday comptrain was just troll-ish. Standard 4s came back but I think we bored them to death because we did all the dry theory ;) OH WELL. There are moments when I feel like tearing my hair out and stuff, but nevermind, shall persevere!!!!

Super confused about how I should feel about you.

Great to have you by my side and when I feel like breaking down you would be there to tell me "just let it all out".

Alright, shall go off to bed now if not my cousin and my grandmother can't sleep. (we're sharing a room!) hahahaha BYEEEEE.

ME (: