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Way Out
Sunday, October 21, 201210:46 PM


HOHOHO. I'm here again (x I've got approximately 34 minutes to kill until Pengfei and Keane are ready to hold a discussion .__. Sigh. Oh well. Feeling kinda sick now D: Like, a fever is coming or something == And having a migrane TT^TT Trolololol. Must be this unpredictable weather O__O

>> Saturday: AOP 2. Totally screwed up like some... Kns sia. Was actually excited about it but then once it actually took place, my whole mood was just killed -.- Like someone blowing out the flame on a candle (out out brief candle xD). Seriously. After the entire thing, I just felt so screwed up that I didn't even have the mood to do anything, or even go back and think about how to improve everything and get ready for AOP 3 -.- Just felt like deleting the entire OPS Schedule (though it's not mine, I have no rights 8D) and then just call everything off trololol. It's not that I'm demoralised or anything, but we keep changing and changing and changing and changing and changing and changing and changing and changing and every single time, there's something different that they want everytime we change. Like, maybe they say that this activity is not feasible, so we change to something very practical and DAMN feasible. Then they will say, "Oh, this activity does not suit the mood" so we have to change it again and by the time we do, there are more issues with it. Wts man. You think we don't have better things to do than to edit the OPS Schedule everyday and to prepare slides and visual aids for you everyday isit -.- Poooft. But whatever, I'm not pissed at anything. Just very very very tired. Ironic how I'm not the I/C in charge of anything here but I still feel tired because there are more things. Example would be referring to my first paragraph of this blog post. Yeah, things like that O__O But... Okay, nevermind, cannot rant about such stuff here.

Went home and just fell asleep == Then woke up, packed bags and prepare uniform (minus polish boots :b) and then went for my granddad's birthday dinner with my family haha. The food was okay but I didn't have any appetite ><" The cake was nice though 8) Went to SJ HQ for briefing about the CS the next day. Aish. Some anti-climax ending to the day. Ended the day devouring a Fillet O'Fish that was our supper and then brush teeth and settled down on the floor (thank God I had a sleeping bag, the floor so hard and cold and dirty TT^TT) and went to sleep. Other zone people super noisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> Today: Woke up at 3AM because we just couldn't sleep any longer. My alarm was due 45 minutes later though (: Changed into full-u by 4:30AM and then we went to assemble at the carpark and boarded a bus to go to Changi area (: Quite shiok in the bus la hahaha. My group was MP5 (medic post 5 ;D) with Geena, Charlotte Phang, Ma'am Yihfang and Sir Jianchong. WE TOOK A LORRY TO OUR MEDIC POST OMG OMG OMG. I can't believe it. First time taking lorry :DDDD We sat at the back and it was super cold because of the wind and everything. WAHHHH (((: So happy. Haha. Got a lot of army guys "sleeping" at the medic post O__O They were supposed to give out 100plus and water during the run to the runners (: (FREE DRINKS KEKEKE :DD) The actual run took shorter than expected luh, so we were dismissed early. Thank God not many injuries! ;) Most just came for deep heat rub :D There was one guy who asked us for tissue because he wanted to blow his nose O__O Trolololol. The first guy to reach the finishing line took less than an hour to finish 21km :O Seriously man. I want to run too but I think I'll die by the time I hit 1km xD Trololol. Then still need prepare ambulance for me, confirm. Took the ambulance back (: Haish, all the new experiences! Actually the CS wasn't that bad, other than the ungodly hour that we were up at -.- Quite fun la, since the people with me were fun haha (x

Went home and totally crashed like mad please. I slept for 4 hours I think ._____. I don't know, who cares. Peiqi bought earsticks for me yayyy ^^ I think I slept too long, that's why I'm feeling unwell now u__u

Sometimes I wonder why I like to drift between being goal oriented and people oriented because I've actually came to realise that there's no point sometimes because you either never ever reach your goal, or you never satisfy people around you. So...no point huh. What's the point actually if nobody is going to recognise what you do and what's the point if your goal is just too out of reach? Honestly. I really wonder what's with people sometimes when there are people around them doing so so much (not referring to myself, I'm not some BHB) but they just fail to see that and they focus on people who are just... Whatever. Not ranting, not going there.

I want to go to the zoo D:

Back to school tomorrow! -.- Seriously damn sian. Tomorrow is Sculpture Walk at Marina apparently. Whaaaaaaaat.

Safe with you.

ME (: