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Way Out
Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you.
Saturday, October 20, 201212:01 AM

"Messed with..."

Hohoho again, I missed 11:11 by one minute just like yesterday .__. I'm kind of free now because I finished my powerpoint slides for AOP 2 yesterday 8) So now I'm basically waiting for my group to send in their own slides and then compile them for tomorrow (: Slackkk. HAHA. Was spending my time reading scenarios again (x Omg, I need them everyday man, if not I doubt I'd survive. I like angst stories. Rather than those happy happy tralala stories hahaha.

Today Geena commanded haha. She totally forgot it was her turn and luckily I brought tie to school 8) She's the last one commanding for this year, since next week would be NPCC and the week after would already be holidays~ Hahaha, wait for next year bah! LOLOLOL. Time really flies super fast. Next year we would already be Standard Fours, waiting to pass out O__O Too fast, too fast ):

Chemistry lecture was really bad. Another teacher gave lecture today and it was no where as interesting as yesterday's lecture. Because yesterday overran, they couldn't finish the topic today too. Ugh. And it was really boring. The best part though was the experiment that made "elephant toothpaste" and by adding hydrogen peroxide, liquid handsoap, colouring and potassium iodide as catalyst, there was some kind of eruption of loads of foam that it just spilled over and continued just "reproducing" O__O Oh my, super cool! And I did pay attention k, I can even remember all the chemicals used :b TEEHEE. Break after that. Spent 15 minutes in the toilet wearing contacts because something went in and I took super long to make sure my hands were really really clean before wearing them again -.- 

CASHFLOW GAME! Hahahaha omg, Financial Lit never fails to come back and haunt me TT^TT After EOY and it still comes back in the form of a BOARD GAME == Trololol. Same group as Jamie, Yixin, Jaslyn, Ziyi and Ernest. At first, Yuanzhang wanted to come to our group but we were like hinting that he should go another group ;DDDDDDDD HAHAHA, so evil. Quite complicated game, especially for people like me D: This kind of kuku D: And plus, all about investment, income, debts, stocks, loans, expenses blahblahblah. Wahseh, hate all these man. Same like how I hate Math. Next time when I grow up, I'm going to get myself a personal accountant who will manage all these money matters for me .__. Can't imagine actually thinking how to earn money and all those -.- Quite fun la the game, how we were so ji dong and everything xD Trolololol.

Last thing of the day: RT. Haven't had an RT in ages == Spent so much time in the beginning preparing for RT, getting logistics and everything that didn't have time to eat ): Our manpower was really lacking today and many times I just found myself left alone with the cadets and I got so worried that I would do something wrong lololol. Footdrill was alright I guess. Then PT. HAHAHA, some joke. Good job Standard Ones in running your first (?) suicide run! So fun right, we should have more of those (x Ran with them but it was a bad idea .__. Firstly was because I was starving and when I finished I felt like I was about to drop dead and faint. Secondly, I was so slow!!!! I was lagging behind all the cadets D: Embarrassed much. Haish. Some of them were laughing at me hahahahaha aigoo ><" But some were like "JIAYOU SGT!" and I felt so happy trolololol. Don't worry, I'm going to train my suicides already hahahahaha /determined/ 8) During the last part, they were supposed to board a "boat" to escape and Peiqi and I went to set up the "boat" TT^TT The lamest boat ever made, what a disgrace hahahaha, super embarrassing. But nevermind, shall not dwell on the fail-ness of it. Everyone commented that today's PT was weird ;) Sorry lor, weird people come up with weird PT ;D Heehee.

I think I'm really thankful for my SMC, especially people who really went around a lot today and stuff. Because today was just very rushed and all, and everything was so confusing and I guess everyone wasn't in the mood of RT after such a long break. Super scary and everything. But thank God there were people who would continue on whenever I got stuck at something to say, to save the day and all (: And thank you for being so enthusiastic during the PT! I know it wasn't the best PT we could come up with in such a short time span but thank you so much for not giving up on the PT! It was lame, yes, but still, thank you so so so much. And I'm really thankful for having nice seniors, like people like Ma'am Yihfang (: She really saved me so many times today and she let me off for one mistake today and just really...aish. And people like Sir Kennard who might not be the best person in the world but I actually had a pleasant conversation with him today, even though he asked about my GPA -.- And he still said that I'm the most targeted one because I'm the worst (x KCAN.

I would hold on to some memories forever. Be it good or horrible, I would hold on to them. Deliberately. 

(image of Keane not found KEKE)
Get well soon, Keane! (:

Okay, seems like there's more work for me to do for AOP 2. Thought I was free to go but turns out that there's more now because things were left dangling and hanging and undone for some stuff -.- Pekcek sia. HAHA.

ME (: