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Way Out
Namjachingu ;)
Thursday, October 18, 201211:50 PM


Feeling utterly pleased with myself at this moment (I missed 11:11 OTL) because I managed to finish my visual aid for AOP 2! :D And I think it's pretty okay hahahaha. But a lot would depend on my presentation on the day itself because my slides aren't detailed (forever refraining from wordy slides ._.) but yepp. Jiayou to all my squadmates rushing to finish all the OPS Schedules and all! You guys are doing such a great job (: Yayyyy~ We're ready for AOP 2! Hahahahaha.

Haven't prepare uniform for RT tomorrow. First RT after such a long long long break D: I wonder how I'd do. Tomorrow's attendance during first parade would be really pathetic. Only have Yanshu, Desmond, Geena, Keven, Yixin, Charlotte P, Yihui, Jingyi, Dion, Kimbum, Alisha, Lau and me TT^TT With the SCs standing with their respective squads, there'd be like...8 people in my squad, with me standing in front 8( Oh gawd, so scared HAHA. I've yet to re-read the TR and polish my boots but heh, L-A-T-E-R.

Today's Thursday, so it was supposed to be a late day haha. Woke up with my eyelids swollen because of some stuff the previous night so couldn't wear my contacts to school ): But I brought them along with me anyway, in my new gay hello kitty lense case trololol~ From Daiso HAHA. I have matching ones with Lau~ Peiqi accompanied me to the toilet to put them on and I was kinda distracted because she was talking about A Thousandth Man and being the kuku that I am, I dropped both lenses into the sink -.- Luckily I had saline wash in my case == LOLOLOL, took damn long ): SMC 2 had meeting beside us (on the floor ;D) so Peiqi, Lau and I just stoned and discussed stuff. Spammed What Is Mom OST!!! :DDD I have the song now~ HEHEHE. Flag raising in PAC! (: So awkward because the CCTV (?) camera thing kept panning around and displaying our images on the screen so could totally see what everyone was doing HAHA.

Chemistry Lecture was surprisingly okay. Not too bad. The teacher was funny hahahaha. And there was some demo of an experiment on stage LOLOLOL. It was freezing though ): And there were no comfortable tables to write notes on ): Sigh hahaha. After lecture was lunch (: Then off for CME Excursion! Trolololol.

Sat on the bus with Jamie (: We went to some historical museum atop a hill somewhere, something to do with opium O__O I don't know, the "tour guide" (she's called Auntie Mary and she's the daughter in-law of the previous Yong Tau Foo store auntie + uncle O__O) was speaking super fast and loud and I was really sleepy u__u It was quite cool though hahaha. There was some video playing thing in the historical museum and the room was very dark and we had headphones to put on and stuff. 3D super cute la, keep scaring ourselves hahahaha. Bambby sat next to me and she was like, literally grabbing onto me HAHA and Annabel sat directly in front of the speakers lololol (x We were screaming away inside HAHA, even the guys, and Auntie Mary thought we were scared or something, or that the guys were making the girls cry (WHUT.) hahahahaha. Oh well. Took some photographs! But they're somehow in the teacher's phone and that teacher doesn't even teach us --.-- Oh my. 

Then went to another Malay Heritage Centre (: The one near the very famous mosque, near Bugis (: We were kidding around, saying that that was my house, or more like mansion TROLOLOL. Super joke la (: Walked around and they all had money to buy food but I didn't bring money with me, left it on the bus ): And Enyou is so cute HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. All in all a really good trip! Quite boring sometimes but it was pretty fun (: Went back to school and left with those birds, bus-ed home. Keep leaving my umbrella in class under my desk so I keep walking in the rain .___. Headache sia.

Infinite never fails to make me feel better (:

Okay, shall go off and do productive stuff .______.


P.S. ...