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Way Out
State of grace.
Wednesday, October 17, 201212:20 AM

"Little cold fingers..."

Hello~ Timecheck: 2340HRS D: I'm still busy with CMC stuff and I feel bad from leaving Pengfei at the Google Docs alone since Keane is probably sleeping now ): And I feel quite accomplished today regarding the OPS Schedule for JNCO! (: Hahas. I'm done with half of the stuff actually and yeah, more to be completed tomorrow!

Miracle of the day: Kimbum actually started on planning.

>> Yesterday: Went school to do Training Report (: Went at the normal time since there was nothing to do at home anyway and I didn't want to stay at home -.- Awkward because only Year 4s were required to go to school. Aish. So weird la. The entire canteen was almost empty the entire time we were doing TR until the Year 4s were released for their break and by then, we kinda finished already hahaha. Yay. Nubbad ;) LOL. Then went to slack slack slack slack.

>> Today: Hurhurhur some screwed up day. Collected back exam scripts. For people who actually consistently do well and all those, today is actually a day they might look forward to. I mean, seriously, it's just like going to school and making yourself feel happy because all you see are As and A+s. (I failed Kongzi because I didn't make it do be a A+sian TT^TT) But...yeah, okay back to me. Results were like...crap. I have to admit that I really lost it. I invested a lot and a lot of time on Biology and Chemistry and I wanted to get at least a B for Bio (and definitely not to fail again!) and an A for Chem but yeah, after I got my results back I was just like..."waste time waste time waste time". Seriously. I actually felt disappointed in my results. *new feeling here* Aish. And then my Chinese which is a love/hate subject which is supposed to help me got some freaking C and I'm like... -.- Stupid. LA and Lit were okay haha. Quite surprised but yeah okay THANK GOD (: I really suck omg.

I really wonder what does it feel like to actually get good grades O__O I swear my grades are the most embarrassing things ever existing on this planet -.- Stupid sia haha. Like seriously. How do people actually feel when they open their report books and then see all the A+s etc etc etc and then some GPA of 3.9 or something and then they actually feel that it's no biggie because they kinda got used to being successful ALL THE TIME. Wow. I'm still waiting for my turn but if it doesn't happen, it's okay (: It's not my goal to be some extraordinary student anyway ;) Always remember that Steve Jobs' GPA was below 2.5 people. I have hope HAHA.

And...Mrs Vora is the kind of Literature teacher who would just derive joy from bursting any bubble of hope you actually possess in yourself for Lit. Seriously. Miss Sangeetha wrote "well-written" and then when you flip to the next page, Mrs Vora wrote something along the lines of "not well done". Wow. Haha. But nevertheless, she's cool~

Results aren't everything, but they are something (: And yup, next year, another crucial year and it's going to take a lot more willpower to actually cast unimportant things aside and know what's important for me. Heh. I'm going to do this!!! :DDD #overlyoptimistickid

Yeah, that's all. I'm really yearning for a break right now. Seems like everything's crashing back on me.

Have you ever love somebody so much?

Me (: