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Way Out
Delusional sunset.
Monday, October 29, 20121:43 PM

"King of anything..."

Meh. What a bad way to start my day. My dad made people deliver stuff to my house without paying the full balance and then when they came, only my sister and I were at home .__. And when they delivered the chairs, they asked for $180 -.- And whatthehell, do I look like I have $180 lying around in the house O__O And so I called him and he said he'd mail the check, if not, can I help him pay first? Wts, I don't even have $20 -.- And then he said he'd be back by 12:30PM to pay and asked the guy to come back again soon. And now it's already 1PM and the guy's already been here but still no sign of him == I really cannot imagine that we're letting adults like THIS run our lives world. I think I can prepare stuff better than him. He probably didn't actually remember he had to pay the balance == I really really really really am mortified by this fact. 

Actually, I'm supposed to be busy with the OPS schedule .__. Ohmytian. Then tomorrow still have to go to school and do recce (???). Sounds really weird to do recce for activation but OH WELL, if we have to do, might as well go all out to do it. Anddd all the recce and last minute shit all have to be done by this week .__. Bleugh == Running on some freaking tight schedule. 

Trolololol let me just faint from laughter. Some fan of some band (idk, I can't recognise that guy :b) asked him to sign a marriage certificate for her HAHAHAHA. And the guy was like "What is this???" and the band members were all giving him the "O__O" face. And she was like, "A marriage certificate". And he said, "I only just turned 20, can I sign something else?" and she said, "I don't care, you have to sign it." WAHAHAHAHA. I wonder how it turned out :b

Okay, I'm so tired and the weather is killing me D: And I'm hungry. Haven't had lunch yet TT^TT And I'm stinky from all the perspiration. And I'm bored.

Yesterday, Soong made me read some news about the World's Top 10 Serial Killers .__. I'm glad most of them, if not ALL of them are already dead. Like, executed and some probably committed suicide. Suicide is a bad thing but in this case of such people.............. >< Anyway, they were really really really horrible people. The things that they do to the victims...I cannot phantom how such thoughts actually reside in their brains. SERIOUSLY. I mean, it's so sick and twisted and psycho -.- What a disgrace to humanity. Disgusted. And hohoho, not here to stereotype but they're all men

I have tons of shows that I haven't started watching DD: Oh myyyyyy.

Okay, that's all! :DD Teehee. Gonna be a lifeless and boring and meaningless day. 

ME :D 

P.S. Need to cut my hair.