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Way Out
Tuesday, October 30, 201210:50 PM


Dad expects me to get off the computer by 11PM -.- He advocates early nights == Seriously. I can't sleep by 11PM .__. I'd just roll around on the bed and probably roll on to the floor and just roll out of my room and out of the door and stuff zzz TT^TT SIGHPIE. Can do homework though ;))

Went to school to do Activation recce O__O Didn't start on time because Keane overslept and was late >< Got the stretcher and did everything that we were supposed to do and stuff and got the timings. Quite okay la, but super awkward as casualty TT^TT Trolololol. But good job everyone~ Then after that, went for Bene comptrain hahaha. Everyone crashed their comptrain, so many people! L.L #jelly Then did case and all those, and I guess it was quite okay (: Then packed CT house boxes == And then lunch at Macs LOLOLOL. Went home and literally "died" on the bed (/ /U/ /) Freaking tired!!! Saw Yuanzhang on the way home and we talked a bit and SIGH, really really really feel very sad for the two people leaving our class ): Didn't even get a chance to know you guys better! D: Haish oh well. Goodbye Yuanzhang trolololol, hope that you get into a good school then!

Tomorrow's gonna be a damn boring day. No activities. Just gonna stay at home to rot and spam piano practice .__. So sian please. Holidays FOREVER sian --.-- Until you start getting super busy and you wish none of these happened.

Soooo...Leeteuk went into the army and saw how everyone was tweeting about it and I felt so sad even though I don't listen to SuJu stuff lolololol. And the tweets about how the members gathered in his room the night before, and how they cried when he went in. Hmm, seriously just wondering based on pure curiosity how he would get used to life inside. Can't imagine when any member of Infinite gets enlisted TT^TT I will just cry my eyeballs out. And Gyu is so old already, and so grandpa like. How is he even going to run with a rifle and stuff TT^TT And CNBlue disappearing when all of them get enlisted. Woah. Aw man. They should be like SG and then make them all go in at 18 and then come out and be freed trolololol. Oh well. All the best everyone~

