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Way Out
Wednesday, September 26, 20124:53 PM

"First sight..."

WHEEEE. Finally found time to blog D: Hahahas. Have been so busy these few days ==

So today was the very first paper of EOY!! :/ *sigh* Can't believe this is really happening. I think by putting this first day followed by two more days of normal lessons REALLY breaks the momentum. Seriously doesn't even feel like EOY and I wonder why .__. Oh well. LA paper was okay I guess... I knew that Act 5 Scene 5 would be tested but being smart as usual, I didn't even study it properly. And WHAAAAM, it came out right before my very eyes! How wonderful. And I didn't read any case studies for all the different themes that were going to come out for essay -.- Pffft. Sometimes I really wonder why I like to do myself in in such circumstances. Well, you never know what I'm thinking -.-

Then there was some one and a half hour of break O__O God knows why there was such a long long long break. And then back to class for PC which was free period since we didn't have any consultation or anything. And then break again --.-- And then lastly CME. Wth man. Other than taking the test, the whole day was just a waste of time D: LOL oh well.

>> Yesterday: A lot of epic things happened bwahaha. Like, Camillus and Enyou accidentally throwing Ernest's spectacle case out of the window, sending in flying down three stories (x Wts man xD Super epic. HAHA.

I think Geena and I have weird conversations every night. It's super weird okay HAHA. We text at random times from around 9pm onwards and either one of us would start. And it would go along the line of:
Me: Jagiya~
Me: Heh I'm screwed, I haven't finish studying _____________.
Geena: LOL me too
Me: I think I'm gonna fail.
Geena: I think I'm gonna be retained.
Me: Nah, I'm worse.
Geena: Please, I'm worse.
Me: LOL okay go study la JIAYOU!
Geena: LOL okay byebye jiayou
-- THE END --
Everyday we talk like that HAHA. I just realised today omg .__. Why are we so gay and lame trololololol.

Did you actually know we would end up like this?

Okay, shall go practice piano TT^TT Byebye~

ME! :D