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Way Out
Saturday, September 29, 201211:32 PM

"The story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now..."

HAHA, sneaking to do this and finally using the computer after how many days of not even touching anything close to a computer x__x Oh my, this life is pathetic. BUT as fast as it's EOY, that means it would be ending soon and then I get to play all I want ;) I'm trying to cheer myself up if you guys didn't realise.

>> Thursday: HAHA, maybe I might say that it was the best day that week even though we had like, five free periods OTL Went to school with gastric pain and then NC didn't get to run because of me ): Sorry, I will train doubly hard during the next running session haha. So just sat at hostel area and crapped and didn't study at all because oh my, is it even possible to touch books with those kids around (x Peiqi forgot to bring her uniform wth HAHA. She brought all the buttons and badges and everything but didn't bring her uniform ahahahahahahaha xD

PE! First time that I didn't exatly dread PE. Mr Siva wasn't in school that day so we had this relief teacher called Mrs Koh (if I don't remember wrongly :b) and she looks really out of place with what she wore i.e. long pants with a cap, but maybe a change is always healthy once in a while ;D Had last segment of soccer test! :D She let us practice for a while while she tested the guys and it was super fun trying to hit the dangling bottles at the soccer goal post 8) I didn't suck that bad at scoring TEEHEE. But I scored a 9/15 for the test ._. LOLOLOL how epic. She said the kick was nice but then during the last ball I totally just grazed the top of the ball :| It still went in (thank God) but it was so so so embarrassing 8( Hahahas but it was really fun. There was one time when one of the soccer balls rolled under that metal sign thing and then we didn't have the brains to actually carry the thing to get the ball -.- And Annabel said that maybe if I kicked a ball in, the other ball would come out from the other side O__O And I totally forgot my lack of skill, and so both balls got stuck inside. AH, I suck TT^TT

Recess~ Hahahaha. Then it was Lit I think (: Mrs Vora didn't come because she was on course ): So we had two free periods! (: And to sum up what we did during Literature, here's a video:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ENYOU hahahahaha. It was to gl him for his birthday and haha he looked super cute getting stuck inside the cabinet (x LOL, then we just sat around eating Jamie's Harry Potter jellybeans ;) They were super disgusting!!!! D: Vomit flavour and all :| I ate a grass flavoured one and it really tasted very grassy xD Heehee.

>> Friday: Mrs Vora came for Literature (: I actually like Lit lessons, they're interesting and cool :D She went through this really really really awesome story about this boy called Nicholas who outwits his aunt with super funny methods and moral of the story is: NICHOLAS HAS SWAG (Y) So cute please. But the next story was just eerie O__O It was about kids too, but no where as cute as Nicholas xD Hahahas. Chemistry: got back my mole concept test ._. Mr Lim was seriously pissed off at our results and he was literally frothing at the mouth as he scolded us and stuff. Apparently there were more failures than passes, and it's like, really close to EOY already and we still suck ): HOW. And yeah, I failed my mole concept test D: Expected it, but still disappointed all the same. I just really detest mole concept, it's so complicated -.- Ugh. Had a quick lunch with Peiqi and Charlotte and then left with Peiqi to take circle line (: Haven't exactly taken circle line back for a really long time :D Hahahas. Went to AMK to see family doctor and then entire day wasted there since the queue was so long zzz. Unproductive day .___.

>> Today: Plan to wake up at 0630 failed -.- Ended up sleeping until 1030 ._. Aish. Sent my sister for piano lesson and then went to collect my contact lenses. Okay. These are sooo different from my previous ones. They're so much larger :X I took super long just to put one side in aish. Tomorrow have to waste like, an hour (?) or maybe half an hour if I'm lucky, to get it in O__O But it's comfortable lalalalala, much more than my previous one zzz == Teehee. Then walked around while waiting for my sister to finish her Choir recording. Today was much more productive than other days please O U O Good good.

Why can't Infinite come to Singapore TT^TT Big Bang was here yesterday and SMTown is coming and everything so why why why won't Infinite come ): HAISH.

Feeling so much for things that I'm not even supposed to care about.

The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best out of everything.

Okay guys~ Time to go~ Hahahaha. Anyway, please take care of yourselves everyone! :D Exams are coming and it'd be a real pity to actually fall sick during this period of time D: JIAYOU and let's strive for excellence!! :DDD

mememememememememe kekeke.