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Way Out
I love You, Jesus.
Tuesday, September 25, 201212:13 AM

"And I'll simply come..."

Shouldn't be blogging now but I'd feel really bad if I don't keep this thing alive 8) Hahahas. Aw man. EOYs are seriously drawing closer and closer! Next week, people!! D: HAISH. Jiayou everyone and hang in there~

Today was like any other Monday. Tie day -.- LA Lecture was just pure boring but oh well, talked about gender equality and all those O__O Seriously weird. Can't believe they're only teaching us this two days before LA paper == How wonderful. Three periods of HCL was just pure torture as we went through two exam papers .__. Can't stand it omg. And then recess. Chem after that. I forgot what we did .__. Whatever, doesn't matter. And then Bio, I think. Accidentally dozed off while copying answers for the past year paper u__u Omg. Totally unintentional please ): Was just too tired ): Then break O__O Then MATH. Omg, screw Math. Now then we go through common test Math 2 paper .__. Wahseh, I tell you, she haven't even go through the common tests papers in detail okay. I think I barely even know the answers -.-" Pffft. Oh well. Xielaoshi came in for the free slot during Assembly to finish up the past year paper and then we were dismissed!! :DDD

I'm seriously very very very worried for LA because if you fail LA, you would get retained ._. And I've always been a borderline pass for LA since the beginning of this year so I'm really really scared, until I might just shit my pants -.- Ugh. I'm okay with context questions for Macbeth, just some technique here and there that I need to brush up. The worrying thing is expository / argumentative essay that I just can't seem to grasp D: Oh my. I really have to do well TT^TT

Studied after school today as usual 8) Hahahas. More productive today! Finished with my two sets of exercise for Polynomials in the two hours (: AWW YES! :D Hahahas. Tomorrow I would have more time to study so yuppp, got a lot of things I need to cover O U O Haish. Talked about a lot of old memories (not very old, but yeah, idk) on the way back from school hahaha epicness overload ;D

Wonder why EVERYONE is spazzing over @TheSingaporenRapper (did I spell it right??) when literally no one in DHS spazzes over him (x So ironic, isn't it? I have the real thing just opposite my class and I just saw him today with his BLEUGH shaggy hair but hey, no one went like "EHMAGOSH" or anything. And yet, people are like "HE'S COMING TO MY SCHOOL!!!!!" *cues fangirls' screams* Hahahahas. Oh well.

I'm so troubled right now.

OKAY, ADIOS, have to go now! 8)) Hahahas, update when I'm more free or when I'm finally done with a day's worth of studying :B Goodbye~

ME (: