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Way Out
I miss you, whenever you're not around.
Saturday, September 22, 20121:01 AM

"I'll make every second count..."

Hahahas, I wonder what I'm doing now ._. Currently having a flu and ohmytian it's so horrible -.- Everyone, please don't fall sick during this critical period of time!!

Just read this Infinite scenario and my day is officially completed. It was just so like them haha. I cannot cannot cannot cannot phantom living a day without them. Aw man.

>> Thursday: Met Peiqi on 158 on the way to school haha (: As usual I wasn't paying attention and I wouldn't have noticed her if she didn't text me (: Hahahas. We were 2 minutes late :p Went to run with the kids and then they tried to train me for IPU ._. Omg I seriously hate hate hate IPU okay TT^TT I did like, one. Okay. And then sit-ups. I could barely hit ten HAHA. I'm such a pathetic shit. But then I made up for it by bridge-ing okay. 80 seconds in total wheeeee. Okay, have to start training already if not I'll fail NAPFA again xD Entire school day was boring boring boring. Accidentally fell asleep during LA because Mdm Juwana played the video and I just..."disappeared". Oh my. Studied after school and I think it was pretty productive :DD Hahahahas. Continued studying for Bio even though I had a Chem test the next day. I'm so stupid.

>> Today: Lit first period! (: Nothing much. Then PE (x Continued with soccer test today hahaha. Mr Siva gave me a 4/5 for technique yay yay I thought I would fail hahahaha. But then all the bonus points thing was screwed because I only had 6 points when the maximum was 12 D: Mainly because my directions skills were a bit....haha...so I missed the cones many time trololol 8) Oh well. But it was quite fun hahahaha (: Then recess was some joke. Collected my IC! .___. So embarrassing please. Lessons after that was quite okay but Math was seriously very boring == Chem test was totally screwed because I spent damn long on QA and I doubt it's correct and I didn't know how to do all the mole concept questions. This is really the first time I experienced something called a "mental block". I think I was very scared and plus, the clock was ticking away and I just got very flustered and forgot literally EVERYTHING. I mean seriously, ALL the questions were attempted with every inch of doubt I could master. I'm so dead. And I hate mole concept.

Ate lunch and then studied! (: Less productive today ._. I think I was just very tired. And then home home (: Yepppp. That's all for today hahahas.

RIP. I don't personally know you but still, you're very inspirational. It was great just seeing you around.

I'm really at a loss of what to do. I hate being stuck in the middle. It's almost like I cannot take sides because both sides are right. I don't even know how to answer to any of you.

I'm sorry I really don't know what I can do.

Inside me is a weak heart; but behind is a strong God.

I think I'm really like, lagging in the times .__. Today is the birthday of one of my church friends. We don't really know each other, but she's the same age as me but she used to go to morning service. So yeah, I clicked on her profile to wish her happy birthday on Facebook (she's really super duper duper pretty) and then I realised that she actually moved to Britain I think .___. Oh my, I'm the laggiest human ever. I wonder how it feels like to actually leave everything you've ever known and move to somewhere so far away and so so so foreign. I think I would just cry and fail miserably as a social being if that ever happened to me. So many people are moving nowadays that I can't handle it O__O Oh well. Happy birthday and God bless (:

Okay, nothing much left to say. Here's Woohyun's chocolate bar.

ME (: