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Way Out
What happened to goodbye?
Wednesday, September 19, 20125:28 PM

"You've got nothing on me..."

Oh yes. Finally, time to blog .__. Shouldn't be blogging now but I really cannot study in the afternoon ._. Haish hahaha.

>> Monday: I cannot remember what happened -.- SIGH.

>> Tuesday: Poooft. Jaslyn gave me my belated birthday present yesterday! (: Hahahas. 

Keep calm and eat Kit Kat.
After school, went to study with Peiqi and Charlotte. Geena went out to celebrate Yingjie's birthday and Lau had MEP (: Hahahas. Quite effective luh, finished with 5 topics of Chemistry but then I still have Bio which is super content heavy TT^TT WHY WHY WHY. Plus, Bio is the first of all Sciences .__. Aw man. Hahas. Went home. Saw Chenchuan when the bus stopped outside his school! (: Bad stuff happened at home which I shall not elaborate on. Finished ACE! (yes finally!!) Was quite drained by the time I went to bed but oh well. 

>> Today: Overslept zzz -.- Hahas, in the car while on the way to my sister's school, Geena came and text me and asked me to take over her for flag raising commanding asdfghjkl ;__; OTL Omg I wasn't even ready DD: Hahahas was feeling super jittery the entire way to school. Oh well. It was okay I guess. I was shaking on the podium like a leaf but ehhehheh, it wasn't too bad I guess O__O Entire day everyone gl-ing me about how I command wakkakka 8)) Financial Lit - last lecture!! (Y) Hahahahas. Entire day was okay luh .__. Except for last period which was Math >< I was trying frigging hard not to fall asleep ): How horrible. It was a very very very very long one hour omg. Yixin gave me present~ :DD Lunched with Geena and then she went off for her piano exam (Goodluck Leader Gyu) while I took the bus back home hahaha. And here I am! Piano in about 2 hours time -.- FML

I can't believe I was actually friends with you.

I'm really annoyed with you because you judge people when you don't even know them personally or anything. And you're like, totally clueless about who they actually are and you judge them based on things like their blog or their twitter or something. I mean, seriously, who are you to judge and who are you to comment when you don't even know a single shit? -.- And I can't believe you actually have the audacity to talk about them openly. Ew.

As I've said, I cannot wait for EOYs to be over. It hasn't even begun, but AW C'MON, how long more do we have to wait!?

It's not your fault, it's mine.

Okays, shall end off here! Can't wait for this week to end ;__; But that would mean closer to the first paper!! D: Le sigh. Hahahas. Okay goodbye~

ME (:

I wish I was all you needed.