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Way Out
Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
Tuesday, September 11, 201211:39 PM

"Baby can you tell me why, there is sadness in your eyes?"

Checked my ACE project Google docs and as I've expected and kinda praying, it was empty TT^TT Oh well, okay. Guess I'm going to do my part later on and then put it up. Either later or tomorrow == Still have a LA debate to prepare for. Looking at what other classes did, they prepared super well for it, they arranged their speakers, had cue cards and everything. LOL. What I'm expecting in my class tomorrow would be, reading off from phones, tons of impromptu, crapping, gl-ing, spazzing etc etc etc. Typical 3D ;)

Reached school earlier this time bwahahaha 8) Didn't have any breakfast though so I stole borrowed a swiss roll from Charlotte ;) TEEHEE. Math, first lesson -.- What a baaaaaad way to start off the day. Gah. Math test was damn hard. I didn't memorize the special angles and I couldn't remember how to find it anyway and so when they asked to put in complete form, I was like "_|_" ._. Seriously. I got the answer already and they want it in complete form nuuuuu. And then there were weird questions which I totally blanked out and just tried my luck here and there ==

Financial Lit today was super epic HAHA. Usually I hate FL but then today was like playing games! (: Hehehe. So after briefing/lesson in the LT with 3G and 3L, we went to the Experimental Room for the game hahaha. Super epic. Supposed to do shopping with $70 when your parents are overseas HAHA. Then the one with the most amount of savings will win 8) Wahseh, luckily we had Auntie Teo in our group even though she's damn blur LOLOLOL sorry xD Quite fun luh hahahaha. Then there was one scenario where the sister has fever and the Ah Ma cuts herself while cutting potatoes. Then Bambby was like "wrap the wound with potato skin la" and then we decided not to buy plasters for the Ah Ma because I said just wrap it up with cloth no need plaster. Note: this is a bad example, I am ashamed. AND IN THE END BECAUSE WE DIDN'T BUY THE PLASTER, THE AH MA NEVER GIVE US REWARD OF $15 DD: And we lost. If we got that $15, we would have won ))):

Spent half an hour doing the tribal alphabet thing for Felicia. Please clap at my effort and dedication.

After school had lunch with Peiqi and Charlotte (: And then we went home via the bus! Heh, as usual 8) We were on the same bus as Q _   Z_ _ _ and Q _  F _ _ _ YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY 他们坐在我们的后面! :DDD Omg today is such a good day 8)))))) #mydayiscomplete

Reached home and I just directly planked on the bed because I was really really very tired ;/ Sigh. Not much homework today ;D And I can't bring myself to revise stuff, only effective in school please ):

Here is why you can never be angry with Enyou:
Just read what he sent (x

I really really really am thankful for the day you actually stepped into my life because you've provided me with so so much and I am very thankful for everything you've done for me, whether directly or not. Even though there are times when I just feel like ripping your head off but still, I can overlook these things. Just wanted to know that I'll always stand on your side, no matter what happens.

ME! (:

I need a 2AM friend.