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Way Out
Bigger than a Twilight love affair.
Tuesday, September 11, 201212:52 AM

"Fight that..."

Hahahahas, 안녕 (: Okay. Just finished my JNCO OPS schedule which wasn't exactly completed since we're in the really really budding stage of planning and I need to get further instructions from my boss from time to time. Boss, please feel free to laden my work onto me! (: Cheryl at your service~ Kekekekeke. And yes, I created a google doc for ACE -.- Seriously. It's blank ._. And I expect it to be blank even if I check it tomorrow, or the day after, or next week (that's when the due date is over) or next month, or after EOY, or next year, or my next life. Nah just kidding. ACE is seriously damn retarded. Someone please feedback and tell them to abolish this boring boring "death sentence" please TT^TT

TODAY...first day of school after a one week break~ Hahahas. Hmm, overslept my alarm because the alarm tone was too awesome (In That Summer ;D) but still managed to reach school at a relatively okay time. Heh. Haish. LA Lecture was just so zzzzz... .__. Even though we were in the Auditorium but it's just so frigging hot D: And then the whole row of guys from 3C were sleeping in front of me and then their LA teacher was so annoyed by them lol. Then after that was 3 periods of HCL O__O Ah yes. And I failed my gonghan by one mark ): Then xielaoshi showed us our grades from Term 1 to Term 3 and omg my grades suck .__. I have to get at least 154/200 for EOY if I want to secure just an A for HCL. Wth man, that's impossible la. How to even get that kind of score DD: But okay, shall try my best 8( Just gonna try my luck here and there for Chinese L.L

Recess. Played with Ernest's Nerf Gun that he was actually supposed to give to his air weapons teacher but lol, he let us play with it anyway. Was shooting the target that Charis drew on the board hahahaha. My aiming sucks. None of the three shots I took were anywhere near the target D: HAHA. Surprisingly Yixin's shooting not bad eh HAHAHA. Then Yuanzhang came along, daring me to shoot him because according to him "anyway, confirm won't hit me de" 8) So I tried HAHA. The last one hit him right above his head, where his hair is standing. I thought it was not bad lor, but I didn't hit the real target la, which was his face. Then was Yixin's turn (: First one hit his hand, second one hit is face (NUBBAD) and the last one...when he wasn't looking (and not protecting) I shouted "EYYY OPEN GOAL!" and then it hit is over there BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Omg wahseh. HAHA. Then he obviously paiseh la, then his turn to shoot. Try to act cool but closing his eyes and all the things just flew in random direction. #fail (: Yuppp, end of recess (:

He's too cute!! :DD
BLAHBLAHBLAH, all the lessons damn boring. Slept through lunch because I was really really very very very tired == Then Assembly period was just some meeting session with all the subject teachers and I didn't really have any thing I wanted to ask them...maybe have la, but at the moment didn't feel like asking :X So I just completed my Mole Concept worksheet and then Mr Han talked to me about my Bio D: Since I've been failing my common tests _|_ Ah yes. But good thing today! HAHA, I made improvement for my Bio practical so I got this!:
HEHE, first goodie from Mr Han! (: #achievementunlocked :DD Hahahahas (x So happy heehee. Yup that was all for my entire day hahahaha. Quite sian la today I must say. Not even in the studying mood yet MEH.

After school, studied with the kids and then left school at about 6PM (: Productive! (Y) Oh well (:

WATCH FT ISLAND'S NEW MV OKAY. "I Wish"! It's really really really good!!!! ^^ Omg I can't stand it, it's too awesome for words. They never fail to surprise me every time whenever they have a new song 8) And I'm a little bit annoyed that I won't be able to download their song like, now, since it was only released today .__. And I've been trying to download All My Love Is For You but all Google gives me is those crappy screwed up links -.- HAHA. But can't blame them la, the song's relatively new :3

HEHE, that's all ((:

ME! (:

Maybe if I fought harder for us, all these wouldn't have ended like that.