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Way Out
#98 : Happy birthday to me (:
Monday, September 3, 20121:03 AM

"I don't feel so alone..."

HELLO awesome humans that inhabit this beautiful Earth! 今天是九月三日,the day that the 人见人爱Cheryl Ying was born! (: HAHAHA. Please pop champagne and celebrate this awesome day. Guaranteed to make your life happier and more interesting yeah ;) Okay la, but back to being honest, I think that there's nothing to celebrate about because it's like getting older and older and I'm really old now. I'm 15 already, freaking old, going to 20 soon. Kanasai. But that doesn't mean I'm not awesome enough to celebrate birthday heehee. Okay I should stop being so BHB, damn annoying -.-

>> Church: Church today! (: Had a really awesome breakfast hahahaha, better than normal days where we just da bao bread from the nearby bakery, chomp down in the car because we're late .___. Hahahas, went to McCafe with my mum and my sis (: Heehee (:
Super pretty right the patterns!! :DD Hahahas, not only do you have to know how to make nice coffee/hot chocolate, you have to know how to design patterns on the foam ;D Hahahahahas (: Church service was good hahaha. Jingen gave me my present! First present of my birthday! (: She made cookies for me and a really really really pretty card! (: AWWWW. Thank you dearie! :3 (While I'm writing this, people are wishing me happy birthday aww thanks guys) Today's speaker was funny even though he was a teensy bit boring hahaha...

>> Tuition: .____________.

>> AGI: Hahaha, was quite early to reach there hahahaha.. And then yep, changed into full-u hahaha, the most sian thing about AGI ): Then after that just went to sit with the corps. Actually nothing much changed for AGI luhh. Tony Tan came for AGI O_O Hahahas, seriously tio shock sia. And then this year the casualty rate was seriously quite bad .___. From my side there were 3 people who fainted. Two of them fainted like, face flat down .__. Omg...then they had to be stretchered out D: Super serious can. But thank God no one from our corps fall out! (: Hahahaha! :D 

Then after the entire thing, was dismissed and then I was telling Geena how sad that we never got to see Yinglin and then I suddenly look up and they were waving to us! (x HAHAHAHA. Omg super gay. Then Chenchuan over there shouting "EH RIDICULOUS WOMAN!!!!" hahahahahaha my face totally gone ): And thanks for the blogpost man ;) Hahahas then our squad was like, "1...2...3...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHENCHUAN!" and then he shouted back "THANK YOU!" lolololol. (Happy birthday btw~) And then we just talked like that to them, when they were on the bleachers and we were below them hahahaha. Then before leaving to change, Yinglin called me and she said "Cheryl Ying! One day we'll win them together!" awwwww. I was super super super motivated by what she said. Honestly, when two teams who are meant to be competitors out there in the war games actually want to train together and win together...it's just so happy and saddening. We all know that there can only be one winner and that's so so so sad, but the spirit about helping each other so that each team would have that little more chance to winning is so good (: Went home and then Mum cooked dinner, birthday dinner (: She bought me a phone cover teehee YAY. 

Thank you so much for all the wishes! (: Thank you Carissa for wishing me waaaaaaaay before it was even 00:00 and thank you Chenchuan for being the first to wish me happy birthday! HAHA, at exactly 00:00!!! :DDD And thank you Pengfei for that super super super touching SMS that made me don't know whether to cry or to laugh (: Thanks bro, you're the best. Thank you for Charlotte for the birthday text even though you GL-ed me and typed in Arabic -.- Thank you Jingen for the card and cookies aww. Thank you Cheryl Lee for your text too! Forever consistent de la HAHA (: Hehe. And so many more people! Thank you for all who remembered (: Yay, I'm old.

Alrights, shall not dwell on anything more... Even though 2nd September ended on a bad note, but still, it's a brand new day. It's gonna be awesome. 

POLAROID WITH THE STUPID CHUA and our polaroid with Mr Han and Mr Siah

Okay, that's all (: Going to school to study with Xiner hahaha... So pathetic right, people birthday go out to play, I go and study D: Alrighty!


So honoured to have the same birthday as Sungjong kekeke ;D