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Way Out
#99 : All in a day (:
Tuesday, September 4, 20129:29 AM

"Causing my eyes to see..."

Hello all (: This post is much much much earlier than those I usually post hahaha, since I thought I had nothing much to do in the morning so here goes :D Hahahahas 8) Having tuition later .___. At Bugis OTL

Yesterday was my birthday! HAHAHA (: I can't believe I'm being so weird and blogging about my birthday. Oh well, it was really like any other day because I woke up at 7:30AM to go and have breakfast with Xiner. And as usual we were late .___. Together. Yeppp, pretty normal:

Then yup met her at Macs and she dare to tell me she ate already .___. Hahahas, so only I was eating. Sausage McMuffin :DD #fattening Then we just sat there and crapped and she showed me a lot of stuff that she discovered and stuff ;) Yay. Then we walked to school (: Hahahahas. Mr LPL gave us the keys to two study rooms because he thought that there were gonna be many many many people going, but in the end only both of us. So yepppp. Studying there quite productive luh, I must say (: It's like, no one will walk in and out and since it was only Xiner and me, we kinda just sat there and didn't talk :X And Xiner lent me her earpiece so I could concentrate (x Peiqi and Charlotte came in for a while after their Chem extra lessons hahaha, then Peiqi left and Charlotte studied a little bit then left ): So left Xiner and me again D: Studied until 2:00PM then went to return keys to LPL and then went to KLP to eat lunch trolololol. And yup, I had donuts (:

What a sad day right hahahaha, that's all I did for my birthday. After that just went home to sleep already .___. And then at night I had my "birthday cake". Yup. It wasn't a really happy thing luh, since my mother was just working in her room and I really didn't want to eat the cake alone. In the end, she came out and they sang a birthday song and I thought everything was going to be alright. But then she just showed me black face for God knows what reason. And then yeah. I asked if she wanted cake but then she just ignored me and shit, and I really felt like crying there and then but what for? The birthday ended really badly and even though I'm gonna tell myself "don't worry, you still have next year" but I'm not gonna take celebrating every year's birthday for granted. You never know what's gonna happen next, I'm not gonna expect that I live to celebrate my birthday every year. Thank you God for my birthday anyway (: I love You.


Thank you everyone for making yesterday possible! :D xx

Okayy yuppp hahahaha. All the holiday homework are really overwhelming and I certainly do feel overwhelmed by them D: Can't wait for tomorrow though, comptrains! (: YUP. See all of you soon and all the best to studying for EOYs! (: God bless you!
