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Way Out
#97 : Deedledum.
Saturday, September 1, 20125:55 PM


Hahahas, supposedly supposed to study but maybe later >< Aish. Happy September everyone~ It's September 1st people! :DDD Hahahas, a beginning to another month. And then soon it'd be my birthday! Where I grow old so so so soon D: Haish, and then October would come rolling along and then it'd be EOY period already .___. Not much time to prepare, guys ): Worst news ever .__. Going back to school almost everyday for September holiday to study. Must.

>> Friday: Dad left SG and so I got a ride to school in a taxi (not my favourite transport but sure beats being late). Teacher's Day celebration!! (: Went to meet up with the other kids and then just crapped around (: Went up to class because I thought that flag raising was in class. Got our class tee! (: Hahahaha. But it was the wrong kind because of the size and only 6 people had their names on them. I was wearing size L ): Super duper bigggg D: OTL It was like...a dress haha. But nevertheless, YAY CLASS TEE ;)) Went to the hall for flag raising in the end and Peiqi was the commander! She said she was shaking but haha, 看不出!! :D Performance was not bad hahahaha. LOL (: The best part was when the teachers danced Oppa Gangnam Style xD Omg...super epic please HAHA. Then concert ended, and it was class time (: We had delish pizza and muffins and chips and drinks trolololol ((: YAYYYY. Took polaroid with Jamie, Jaslyn, Yixin, Mr Han and Mr Siah :D Awww, all of them were so cute! (: Hahahahaha. Then talked for a while, then Lau and Peiqi came to find me already (: Hahahahas. Went to Tanjong Pagar to return parade accessories (: I bought banana milk! Then after that we went to Tampines to look for Geena hahas. Sat there and crapped for super long okay hahahaha. Then Lau left, so left the three of us so we went to Frolick 8) Hahas, good day good day (: Took the long way home by taking train to Aljunied and then taking 158 all the way back to Serangoon .__. Then went for dinner at my uncle's place. Spaghetti for dinner! (:

Came home and then watched Music Bank on KBS World! (: At first I was just watching it simply because I was bored and there was nothing nice to watch because it was all the rookie groups performing and I didn't know any of them. Basically 'cause they're unheard of in Singapore O_O Then after watching for a while, there was EXO-K hahaha. Then there was G.Na woots woots pretty pretty. Then BAP! Trolololol. Then Teentop!! ;D But they sang Be Ma Girl la, which isn't my favourite but haha, still nice still nice. Then I almost wanted to switch the tv off but then they showed that next up was Infinite!!!!!! WOAH, they performed The Chaser! (: WAHAHAHAHAHA omg I just hopped around everywhere when I saw them okay, even though it was like, almost 2AM. Then there was IU too~ (: Wahseh. Totally worth it to sleep at 2+AM just to watch all these awesome people :3

>> Today: WOKE UP LATE -.- Not because I stayed up to watch Music Bank but because I snoozed my alarm and went back to sleep == Omg. When I actually had the sense to wake up, it was already 7AM L.L Ohmygosh psssh. Literally jumped out of bed and washed up + tie hair + change in 10 minutes. Woah. Then I ran to catch the train hahaha. Was supposed to meet Chua at Serangoon at 7:10AM but then was already late .__. Told them to go first. When I reached Mountbatten it was already 7:42AM ): So I ran to school. Seriously, I ran. Aftermath of running, totally didn't consider that. And plus I didn't eat breakfast TT^TT So I was over there sitting on the bench and complaining that I felt like fainting so Geena gave me sweets. Flag raising was okay (: Jiayou Standard Twos for JNCO yeah! :D AOP 1 was...no comments -.- POP AAR was very short and sweet. Then after everything, went down to have squad PT (: Played captain's ball (: Oh please la, I didn't do anything because I suck at sports k. Then ran back up because Mr LPL wanted to talk to us. Short chat chat HAHA. No last parade because it was late already. Hahas. That's all for today's IDT (: Details shall be spared.

Tomorrow's BGI! Hahahahas, I wonder how I'm actually gonna get there after tuition .___. Sigh, oh well -.-

Sometimes we just have to whack ourselves hard enough on our heads to realise that no matter how much we try or no matter how much we wish, things won't always go back to what they used to be. All these changes, they're inevitable, aren't they.

Alrights, that's all (: Hope tomorrow and the entire September holiday would be an aww-shum one (:

ME (: