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Way Out
#96 : Hands up.
Friday, August 31, 201212:55 AM

"I don't wanna miss a second with you..."

Wheeeheeeheee I'm here~ Hahahahas (: Am I spending too much time on blogging? :/ I think it's like some daily habit thing hahahas (x LOLOLOL. I don't know why. Not like my life is very interesting -.-

Today's Thursday! Late day (: Thankfully I reached school before 7:45AM all thanks to my awesome alarm tone - White Confessions (: I got a shock from it though because my previous alarm tone was much much much more soothing to the ears (it's just a default tone lol) but White Confessions is so upbeat O_O Hahahas, instant wake-up call please. And then went to school and then we did footdrill! (: 18 people present! More than half of our squad! :DD Woots~ Ma'am Yihfang watched us for a while and she was the one who gave the nod during bersurai (: Then after that went outside lab area to hear her talk hahas (refers to RO) and the talk was just...talking? Lol. Found out that quite dua people are coming for JNCO AOP! *^* Haiyo, so scary eh

Three period HCL (: I like Xielaoshi because when he goes through the newspaper he doesn't just go through it briefly and make us read all the boring news and stuff and then quickly rush to doing worksheets or anything. He just gave out our holiday work, told us what to do and then went through newspaper with us. For 3 periods. Haha, it's quite slack but it really makes you think about the current affairs of Singapore and even the world in the short one and a half hour (: Read about PM Lee's talk, something that I never bothered finding out ever since such sessions begun. Aish YAY (: Recess, actually went down to eat hahahaha how rare 8) Math, just went through Trigo ;/ I think I really need to revise my trigonometry already ): It's really super complicated D: ACE was half taken up by Math (DD:) and then the other half was just spent stoning because Mr Chin had nothing to teach anyway. LA, there was the essay test and I think I wrote total crap because there had to be at least 3 paragraphs of body and I could only think of maximum two points so I just crapped my brains out .__. Then was Chem extra lessons in LT! (: LOL, mole concept is cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem -.- Ugh. And Mr Lim is super epic okay, he was sharing with us about his class tee n__n 

Comptrain after that! (: Was late because of my Chem extra lesson and then Lau still had Chem extra lesson (same teacher mah D:) after mine, so hers was like, one hour later == Went to find the rest in the SJ room. Hahas. Ma'am Shi Ting, Ma'am Rongying, Peiqi and Charlotte were just stoning and Geena was eating her lunch hahahaha. In the end we didn't do anything much, just blasted music and stoned around in the SJ room to wait for Lau. Samantha and Chua came (: Had comptrain at the study area - our old area, my favourite! (: Whoosh (: Super high okay. First case was super super super weird xD Lau and Peiqi were "blind" / blindfolded while Geena and I had our hands "amputated" / tied together. So we had to work like that. Supposedly meant building communication skills but I think it wasn't very effective. But it was still fun! HAHA, had to use my leg to get the medical supplies because usually it's Lau who gets them but she was blind LOLOLOL. Had to get the casualty to help get things from the box also ): And of course our treatment wasn't that nice and stuff but it was funny HAHA. Best moment:
Me: Here's the "ice"!
Geena: Number three, can I have some ice from you?
Me: Okay.
Geena: Put in my mouth.
Me: Okay. ("eats" the "ice" from the floor)
Geena: (opens mouth and I throw in the "ice") (to casualty) Ma'am, take the ice from my mouth.
WHATDAHECK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA damn stupid. Mentors laughing at us like mad hahaha. I had to keep kicking the first-aid box to the casualty to make her get stuff super fail and epic. But the even better moment:
Ma'am Shi Ting: Ambulance has arrived.
Lau: I can direct!
Me: (scared that Lau "blind" then cannot see where the ambulance is coming from and then later get "knocked") I direct!
Ma'am Rongying: ....!!!! The ambulance went the other way direct it back!
Lololololol omg some retarded hahahahahahahaha. Haiyoo. But it was really very fun and it taught me to appreciate my hands luh. Seriously, without them I really cannot do a lot of things :3 Thank God for hands! (:

Next case was more serious kind (: Case history is that a girl (Chua) committed suicide from the second floor, there's some crowd surrounding her and her mum is screaming like some crazy woman (Charlotte). There were no medical supplies around but the casualty has medical supplies at home (upstairs) and only her boyfriend is at home (Pengfei). Entered the case, Peiqi made the crowd disperse while I chased after Charlotte since she was hysteric OTL kill me now. She ran and screamed like some idon'tknowwhat and then I was so tired!!!!!!!! Finally caught her and then Lau was with me, calmed her down, made her look at scenery and crapped. Went up to her house to get supplies from Pengfei and then came down. Geena's casualty looked damn difficult. Non-basal skull fracture (new thing learnt today!) and left tibia closed fracture (: Wahhh. Haha, then had new casualty, which I handled. At first I thought she had heart attack and I was prepared to spring to ask Lau to do CPR when casualty falls into cardiac arrest but then I remembered that we didn't take CPR dummy ;DDD MWAHAHAHA. In the end it was angina pectoris but no medication ah TSK TSK TSK. So under advices, I told her to always bring her medication with her because she had history of heart attack and that's fatal. So I told her if she has 10 different bags for shopping, put aspirin and glycerol trynitrate into every single one of her bags. Ma'am Yihfang said I was naggy D: But I think my assurance skills improved (: Hahahas, all thanks to Peiqi's manual LOLOLOL. And thanks to AA and AC, we've learnt a lot a lot a lot of useful things from their comptrains! (: Carrying on the legend (: Did evaluation (: Then home sweet home with the rest (: Bus-ed back! :DD 


After dinner picked up Mum from her office and then went to celebrate me passing my G7 exam and birthday since Dad's leaving SG tomorrow lol. Went to have ice-cream! (: 
Pretty four scoops of ice-cream for the entire family! :DD
My birthday waffle! Living up to my Instagram name (: YAYYAYYAY, my favourite food k.

LOL, yep that was my entire day (: Hahahas. Can't believe it's gonna be September soon. EOYs!!!!! D: Jiayou everybody! (:

P.S. Apparently I failed my scales, sight-reading and aural. But passed all my pieces. What sorcery is this.

P.S.S. Almost everyone in Infinite is getting that horrible eye infection! D: Please get well soon people!! )):

ME (: