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Way Out
#89 : I'm not enough.
Sunday, August 19, 201211:11 PM

"As long as you love me..."

Currently alone at home! My mum's pretty angry because I told her I'm not hungry and I refused to leave the house so in the end only the three when out to grab dinner, though it should be called supper ;/ Which leaves me a good time to blog! :D Hahahahas. Yeppp. Feels foreign to be typing again ._.

>> Friday: Don't know why but was really looking forward to the end of the week O_O Nah, it wasn't terrible or anything, it was just really tiring I guess. Plus, I haven't even been sleeping properly for the entire week u_u It's like, tossing and turning for hours and even when I sleep, it's so light that I felt like I haven't rested at all .__. The day just flashed pass like, really quickly though ): There was PE :p Played floorball as usual hahaha. At first played some game and Jaslyn was being an ass by hitting the ball so hard that nobody could catch trololol. Then played 3 vs 3. Still glad that I had Jaslyn on my team :3 Then after that played real match style hahaha, my team was just me, Jaslyn and MR SIVA (WAVE WAVE WAVE) because not enough people to complete my team luhh D: Then we played against Jamie, Tangshi and Yixuan. LOL, please, totally failed to get in any balls and so did the other team hahaha. Siva likes Jaslyn because she is super zai at curving the ball and stuff. BUT he said "very good!" to me because I managed to get the ball through Yixuan and Tangshi's legs + sticks to him when actually it was just pure luck trolololol. Then after that was HIONG game with 4 people in a team. So, me + Jamie + Jaslyn + Yuanzhang. WLAO, super epic can!!!!! Yuanzhang was like, "It's okay la, just get the ball then hit far far". And he kept "encouraging" us by saying "we can do it guys!" and "chill, guys, chill" dashit HAHAHA (x Then during the game Jamie was goal defender and Yuanzhang took center DUH, Jaslyn took left, I took right. And we just chiong-ed the entire game, passing every single ball we got to Yuanzhang HAHA. There was one time I was cornered and I was like, "YUANZHANG WHERE ARE YOU" wahseh. I can't play floorball okay TT^TT 

Then after school we had comptrain! ((: First comptrain of the awesome NA ;) Omggggg. Hahahahas, the entire AC (sorry, you guys are like kids, 永远不会长大的AC :D) came to support! (: Awww, thanks guys! xoxoxoxoxoxo Mentors were late so we stoned outside the SJ room for super long, waiting for keys and stuff hahaha. Took a v-log! :D And a NA photo which was ugly like maddddd. *deletes* Then we stoned for too long le, decided to go do drills! :DDDD Shouldn't have wasted time gaying lor.. D: We saw the next year AC doing drills with Sir WHO and Sir WHO (what're their names) and so we decided to do also. Then halfway all the mentors + Ma'am Yihfang came ^^ And so they watched us all do drills! (: Haish, please, we don't even look like we HIATUS for 5 months lor >) SUPER COOL FOOTDRILL OKAY, I think can take video and use as model footdrill sequence la! Just kidding. Ma'am say there're a lot to be improved and the commanding and the timing this year have to change le lo. New requirements D: So many changes that we're totally unaware of! ): I guess that's what not being kept in the loop does to you ._. We had an NC quiz GAY GAY GAY and started case and stuff. Fail case ): But very cool case (: Cool mentors and cool trainees produce cool cases :3 HEHE. Thanks to AC and Keane for being our casualties! O u O And then the rest of the time we just talked. Hahahahas. Then home home! (:

>> Saturday: RT cum IDT cum JNCO Course Day 1. Wahseh. Woke up at 4+AM to prepare uniform and polish boots :X Then after that Dad fetched me to Mountbatten where I waited for Charlotte. Bus-ed to school and saw the flag party members practicing (: Aww. Changed into full-u and waited for Ma'am Huaxin to appear. Busy the whole morning getting all the forms and attendance files and keys and all the stuff. Flag raising. Then everything was a blur because all I remembered was running everywhere O_O I screwed up last parade with my horrible commanding ): And a lot of hiccups along the way which I don't really feel satisfied about myself. Can't reveal too much here because it involves all our initial orders trolololol. Anyway, I'm glad that being a DS is only a long long one time thing because I'm really scared now HAHA. But nevertheless, what an experience. I think...even though we got told off by the seniors a few times throughout the entire session on Saturday, I think we should take them positively even though some comments weren't really very nice :/ But chill everyone! (: We shall improve ourselves and be the best batch of instructors okay! Frankly speaking, I didn't really like how they put their comments across to us. No need for all crude remarks yeah -.- But nevertheless, thank you for them. I know what needs to be improved yeah? Then lunch with the rest at KFC (': Miss having squad lunch/dinner despite the disappointing number but oh well, YAY (: Then home home! (:

>> Today: HAPPY DAY OKAY. I didn't have tuition today so I got to attend the entire church service which was really very very good (: Haven't seen Jingen and Carissa for the entire length of service for ages! ): I always have to leave early for tuition D: UGH. So annoying. But at least I had this one day with God and with them and thank You LORD for it (: Really treasuring it (: After church had lunch with family and then my sister got a new phone -.- Waddaheck. New phone meaning the latest Xperia phone .__. CAN. Haha, then went to Garden By The Bay! (: Really pretty there but the weather was being an ass >( Hahahaha (x Super crowded there!! == And I was definitely in the wrong attire :O Then after the long long walk around there (and the wrong shoes D:), went home and here I am! Hahaha. All in all a pretty good day! ^^

We're going to be the best batch of instructors. You guys can be impatient with us, disappointed in us, don't even like us but HEY, this is my squad and I believe in them. I know we're not up to whatever expectations you guys have but HECK IT, we set the benchmark for ourselves and one day we're going to make your sky-high expectations look like dirt from wherever we're standing.

We have the best chairperson. Thank God for him.

Saw you, and it didn't feel right.

Okay, well, I'm going to watch Sesame Player now! (: Determined to finish it soon! And then move on to new reality shows hahahahaha. :D YAY. Tomorrow is a public holiday! (: Happy Hari Raya to everyone! (: 
