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Way Out
#90 : wo zai zhe li!
Wednesday, August 22, 201212:44 AM

"And I won't fall asleep for a million years if I can only see you when I'm awake..."

Epic stuff happened just a few minutes ago. SHITJUSTGOTREAL. But whatever hahaha, it was epic and I'd go to bed a little happier tonight (x Sigh~

>> Monday: Nua-ed in bed for most of the day haha. Only woke up at 11:30AM! O_O Seriously don't know what I was doing x__x And then went to eat and everything and then bought the ingredients to bake muffins! Bought super chio muffin papers but I shall elaborate on them later LOL. And then most of the ingredients were just kinda like, already at home or substituted and stuff rofl. Baking process was fun. And as usual, the end product turned out like c-r-a-p. AS USUAL (highlights this point). Not the first time where it ended up like that O_O At the same time that I was baking, Chenchuan was experimenting with all his bright pink cupcakes and red velvet cakes and they all turned out actually looking like cupcakes and probably tasting like cupcakes. While I just sat in my kitchen with my pathetic ugly muffins (which I've come to call them) and eating them with ice-cream to make myself feel better. How sad. Chio muffin papers totally destroyed because they were like...just ugly okay TT^TT Dinner was good though! (: Went to Han's at Novena Square :D Haven't been there for ages~ Used to go there 'cause my dad's office was just right next to Novena Square (: Awww, reminiscing D: Had my favourite spaghetti!!! 8)) Came home, finished DS report which I took pretty long to do (thank God there were no rejects when I checked my mail this morning) and then talked crap to people and then went to bed. Quite late.

>> Today: SCHOOOOOOOOOL. Lit was good (: Did analysis of The Telltale Heart and A Rose for Emily (: I swear, it's super magical the way all these words work and build some mental image in your brain. It's just fantastic. I cannot find another word for it. Then was Chemistry. MOLE CONCEPT IS MEAN. Then recess; nothing much. ACE was super joke because we were totally just trolling around and Mr Chin got annoyed with my group xD Financial Lit. At first I thought it was going to be terrible but then we played this game where we have to somehow take risks on what we were going to sell and stuff, and if the ideal weather for us comes out on the card, we make profit. If not, we lose money. SUPER FUN OKAY. Hahahahaha. At first we were leading, but then the guy group suddenly made a HUGE profit and we were third. They got the prize ): Lol. Heh but I ate ONE m&m ;) Hahahas. After that was LA .__. Just read articles and stuff hahaha. Tiffany was scribbling on my paper and stuff, she's super joke okay 8D My paper is well vandalized. I LIKE (Y)

Lunched with the lamebirds and Phang! :D Phang was complaining about the dentist hahahaha super joke. We just sat around drinking (MILO + PEARL YES YES) and then talked and stuff haha 8) Then bus-ed home (: Slept for...3 hours? D: And then homework and now here :3

No matter what one does, there will always be people ahead of you and stuff. You'll never be at the top, even if you are, someone might just overtake you in a couple of seconds. I don't understand why we are expected to fight and kill over that one spot which can be lost in just...mere seconds. It's inevitable to be beaten. Inferiority always always always is present. I don't know why people just refuse to see that. How can everyone be of the same standard, of the same grade, of the same everything? Isn't that being like robots? We are living functioning things and yet we behave like robots. Oh well.

Thank You LORD for today (:
