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Way Out
#88 : 悲。
Thursday, August 16, 201211:59 PM

"There's no fun without you..."

Here to blog again because I finished my Math assignment (kinda, excluding all the questions I didn't know how to do) and I forgot how to do Trigonometry so I just left my notes blank .__. Shall seek for solutions tomorrow then 8( I'm feeling really really really tired now D: You know, those kind of tired where you are just drained but somehow your body doesn't let you just sleep? Yeah ):

Woke up slightly earlier this morning to ensure that I could get to school on time (: Left home at about 6:30AM, a whole half an hour earlier than my normal time hahas :B Took train to school because my dad didn't drive me. He was still being a pig and sleeping -.- Mum didn't buy breakfast! O_O Reached school at 7:23AM (I checked!) and then bought milk for the kids and then went off to find them haha. Only Geena was there LOL (x With Staff Chuanying xD He was crapping talking to us and stuff lol. After he left to join his squadmates, we went to do drills! :D WHOOSH, do you even know how long we've not done drills properly :O *horrors* Obviously our standards have dropped, getting kinda rusty here and there. And my timing not as consistent as before TT^TT Shall work on it soon. But our swiftness in turning and all those stuff improved!! O u O Yayyyy. There are still many things to work on but heh, it'd do for now. First comptrain tomorrow! Shall mugg my notes later on ;) YEP.

Today Xielaoshi didn't come to school because apparently he's overseas with students or something O_O So we stone-d in class for about half an hour or so, and then we went to LT 3 for some talk by an Indie Singer from Singapore. At first I thought they were going to make us write Chinese songs because this week is the 母语 week or something and they asked us to bring paper and stationery LOL. But the talk was cool la haha, and that singer is super amusing. She has a funny laugh rofl. And she thought that some of us write our own songs and stuff and she was really impressed but c'mon, she didn't get all our gl-ness xD RECESS, spent starving in class >< Math was like...frigging boring as usual and I wanted to just sleep. ACE was just ace, nothing to say -.- Was doodling on my notes (which are thick like.....asdfghjkl) and wanted to doze off but Mr Chin was there walking up and down the aisle == LA was quite okay, did pair work with Jaslyn on the topic "Should teenage students be allowed to date?" (x Epic much. And then Mdm Juwana returned us our CT scripts and thank God I got a B for the paper. I know where my mistakes are and they are qianbian TT^TT Shall jiayou and aim for an A~

After school waited one hour for Lau to end class (: Did my LA homework (:DDDDDDD) and then when she came we went to eat because I've been starving for the entire day ): Haish. I owe Lau $0.70 for Milo heehee :3 Meeting was okay. Quite epic and more productive than usual because we were running on a tight schedule. Hahaha. Reminisced about our cadet years, SHO EPIC AND SHO CUTE. After that 158-ed home hahas.

It's like...I don't know, I was probably one of the closest to her in the past, and now since all these have happened, it's only natural that I would feel the most disappointed or something along that line. But I don't understand how everything just boiled down to her, and I was there thinking "........". I guess it's only when I show something that people start realising what's wrong and do I have to act like that every day just so that others know what's going on? I have no idea. What I'm saying, does it just sound like a rant to everyone that people just treat it like it isn't serious? I don't know. Whatever.


LOL, Xiner is so nervous about her commanding tomorrow!! (: JIAYOU DEAR.

You're leaving soon. 

ME (: