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Way Out
#87 : I'm trying.
Tuesday, August 14, 201211:27 PM

"Just my personality..."

I can't believe it. *stares at GIF for an hour* How can anyone look so glam when he/she is eating?? O_O Haish, only people like L can pass off for something like that luh hahaha (: YAY. Lol, I actually formulated a cool blogpost to celebrate the end of common tests while I was in the car, on the way back home but I kind of forgot about it once I actually started typing D: How sad...but oh well 8) Common tests are over babyyy.

I actually had this really freaky dream yesterday night/this morning. I only remember it now .__. Mainly because it was crap okay HAHA. Anyway, the dream was some game adventure. Like, something like Running Man LOL. I don't watch Running Man but I get the main gist of it okay haha. Yeah, so basically one of the stations (I only dreamt of one haha) was like a lake. And I have no idea why, but many people I actually know were in this game show thing with me O_O So at the lake, you're supposed to swim to the deepest part of the lake and then drown yourself -.- And when you drown yourself, you'll get to the next level. WHAT, I tell you, WHAT IS THIS. I got a shock at what I'm dreaming okay LOL. Seriously. And in that dream I watched people actually drown themselves and disappear beneath the waters as they magically S O M E H O W proceed to the next round and stuff >< And there I was screaming "no no no" as the cameras come chasing after me, waiting for me to drown myself. WHAT. I think I'm driving insane. Did I ever mention that I get really jittery when I can't breathe normally? Like, just the slightest bit. Oh well. What a crappy dream! -.-

>> Monday: Biology and Chemistry. These two papers were literally out to kill u__u Seriously! I mean like, I was staring at it most of the time with no answer formulating in my head and the entire time I'm just muttering to myself "what is this what is this what is this". Typical me la, but still...!!!!! D: Hahas, oh well. At least I studied for it, if not I really don't know how to even attempt the paper ._.

>> Today: LAST DAY OF CTS PEOPLE, put your hands up! :D Woke up late for school today, but still managed to reach on time because of something magical called the 158 bus (: (Thank God for transport to school! ^^) Reached the hostel table just nice to crap a bit (and hear people laughing at me LOL) and then Geena went to prepare for her commanding! (: Rofl, we were doing uniform check on her and she nearly forgot to wear her tie okay! xD In the end the mic was too high so we had to help her adjust ;) Who ask her so tall la (x But yay (!) LOL good job Leader Gyu! (: Math paper was totally like...C-R-A-P. I don't even remember learning all of these. I could only complete the FIRST question with ease okay. Barely, actually. I am so dead TT^TT Someone please pray that I can actually pass this thing ): Oh well. After that, stoned in the canteen for 2.5 hours with Geena and Yingjie to wait for the other lamebirds. LOL, crapped with them amazingly for 2.5 hours. Wow. Hahahahahas, talked about all the usual gossipy lame stuff, we are so joke 8)  

After that the rest of the lamebirds came and then we all ate together! (: Then because it was too early for Lau's MEP so we just sat around and crapped as usual la (x Crapping skills: DAEBAK. Was teaching them how to exit the canteen with swag xD Swag queen here okay! ;) Jkjkjk. Rule #1, you have to sling your bag only on one shoulder 8) Super funny! Suddenly we all had bags on only one shoulder -.- LOL. Rule #2, swing your hands unnecessarily but currently necessary while walking. SPAZZ okay. Successfully exited canteen, talked to Ms Fang a bit (wanted to swag-walk pass her), talked to Charlotte P and Yihui (they "wtf-ed" when we greeted them the swag way ;D) and in the end settled down at our usual table and just spammed music 8) Always amuses me when we can spend close to half an hour just talking about music, specifically K-pop OuO Adorable kids la. After that Lau left for MEP (D:) and then the four of us just flew! walked to KLP for Starbucks! ((((: HEHEHE, yay! (: Charlotte was a traitor though; she bought from coffee bean EHHEHHEH (x But she threw away the straw and got a starbucks one, and then wrapped her coffee in starbucks serviettes in case they chase her out because she was drinking coffee bean coffee (x Bought my usual ;) The rest complained it was too sweet hehe, but haiya, swag people drink sweet stuff ;D 
WHOOSH, super long never drink Starbucks le ): But have to refrain from drinking excessively la, afterall it's unhealthy for overdose of caffeine and also it burns holes in pockets TT^TT SOBS. Then went to eat yogurt! (: HAHA, yay the best man (: We sat there for super duper long just crapping :O Trolololol, talking about all the weird awkward stuff and just spam eating yogurt HAHA. Epic sia. Not say we change topic super fast ah! LOL, so efficient, we cover like, more topics then you can ever cover in 24 hours ;) Then after that train-ed home (: Hahahahas, whooohoooo~
Ah yes, our awesome yogurt here! (:

AH, I can see an increase in the number of stalkers I have. I used to get like, 10 page views a day? Now I have 65... Hmmm, how discreet...

I think somehow, we know that we're not even the best to begin with, or barely even meeting the mark. And no matter how hard we try to deny it sometimes, we know deep down that we've missed out on multiple opportunities in the past, whether to improve ourselves or to make things work among every single one of us. It might be too late for those base work to be done up again and even though it's important, I just want to prove to all of you that sometimes all those foundation don't really matter. I just want to show all of you that maybe, just maybe, that it is possible to build castles and kingdoms and everything you want in the skies. I know that I may not be the best person you can ever work with, nor am I the most capable here, but the things that I want to do and am going to do for all of you, I just hope that it'd all be understood. No more going with the flow just because it's easy to flow with. We're going to stop this vessel from going this direction, and maybe it won't just take a few swift movement of those oars, but we're going to turn this thing around. 

Just read the news about the shot-put gold medalist who got stripped off her medal because she tested positive for steroids and stuff. The things people do to get the results sometimes is just so...underhand, maybe. Which leads back to the same things...which I'm not going to mention here. 

I swear you're just all part of a daydream that's never ever going to come true. 

ME! (: