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Way Out
Nod in approval.
Thursday, March 13, 201411:03 PM

"You said we were destined to be together. You said it to the world and you said it to me. And I wish you never had because you did not mean any of it."

I guess today was a pretty good day hahaha. We had cake during recess because we were celebrating the term 1 kids' birthdays and Celine's birthday (: And the cake was really good and the best part was that it was home-made. Wow. And I guess ELL test was alright. At least I didn't feel like I screwed it all up (maybe I did) but maybe just maybe I'd do a little better this time.

God bless the people on the missing plane ): Please bring them home safely.

As the term's coming to an end, I think other than the fact that I'm drained and tired almost every day, it has been a very very very fast term. Even though when we're going through it we feel like it's never ending, I can't believe that it's already mid March and we're starting to go into mid year already. That's crazy. I mean, if you count the days left until the end of the year, it's pretty surprising. Anyway, I think it's been a good term despite some ups and downs but what's life without them. Just looking forward to some fruits of labour from the kids during Zone Comp because everyone's so worried and these kids really do deserve to see their efforts paid off (: And hopefully we'll scale greater heights by making it to Nat Comp (:

Have been thinking a bit and I guess I got inspired along the way to involve myself in self-realization. I think it's pretty important to know who we truly are, especially since we're always laden with lots of responsibilities and expectations from society.

1. So I've been told that I'm very nua and that I tend to not have my own opinions and I just go along with what people think and what they want to do. I think it's pretty accurate, mainly because I am truly lazy to think sometimes. But in defense, I guess it's only when I don't feel for something. I mean if it's something I feel strongly about I wouldn't let someone take the reins and control it especially if it's in a way I don't agree with.

2. I am extremely selfish. This is kind of bad but it works positively and negatively. And I'm still currently in the process of thinking how do I go about making this a good thing hahaha.

3. I overthink about everything and I'm not kidding about it. Like, I'm not trying to be some emo shit and then blog about how I overthink and cry about it. But honestly, I do. I think it's just how my brain is wired to read into everything that happens around me. Well, it'd be beneficial if I do the same when I do my work but like point 1, I just do it when it's about life which I definitely feel something towards because it's involving me.

My soul is tired.

Alright that's all I guess hahahaha.
