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Way Out
Wednesday, January 2, 201311:19 PM

"If it's meant to be, it will happen..."

Hello~ I'm here to update my boring blog trololol. Okay honestly my life is VERY boring. Today I was stalking a few people (HURHUR, wouldn't you like to know if you were being stalked? :x) and when I read their blogs/twitter/tumblr/wordpress/whatever that may contain words (even instagram TT^TT), their life seems so interesting. Like, they have things going on, and they're doing stuff or with friends almost everyday O__O No one has a stay-at-home-and-stress day (unlike me tyvm .__.) and I don't know if it's supposed to make me feel jealous or what. Okay. But I'm slightly relieved that tomorrow there's stuff going on for me at school (!!!) and finally, getting out of the house (!!!) and get to see people (!!!) and I get my B1A4 album (!!!) and someone's teaching me math (!!!) and yeah just...

And heyyy, since it's January, I shall do some 30 day question thingo. I mean, since I'm always on blogger and I always post crap anyway so here goes~

Day 1: Post 10 facts about yourself.
1. I always open two web pages, one Google Chrome for doing blogging and tumblr and youtube and all kinds of crap, and Internet Explorer for not-so-important stuff...like DHS mail (sorry, that's what I'm doing now, thought I would share)
2. I am not weird.
3. I don't like animals in general (I mean they look cute in pictures but...)
4. My IQ is probably less than a dinosaur's. (Have you ever seen a dinosaur? I guess not, because they got extinct and that is the most stupid thing you can do.)
5. 我是华人,我也爱华文,但我不喜欢讲华语。(因为它怪怪的。)
6. I like waffles because I think they can go with any food.
7. I like ballads because they're slow and I can keep up with it's pace of words.
8. I am actually a unicorn.
9. I don't bite. It's just my face -_____-
10. I hate writing facts about myself.

Day 2: Write about the best friends you've had over the years.
Alright...this is a bit hard because I don't have a best-est friend now actually (wow I'm so pathetic -___-). Okay let's seeeeee... In kindergarten I had two best friends, Beatrice and Gwyneth, and Gwyneth is in DHS now too and she scored a GPA of 4.0 in year 1 and she's an SC and she's in chinese dance and she's the cousin of Beatrice and she's so smart and cool and I'm like... -.- In primary school there were Chloe, April and Edith and I don't even talk to them now except for maybe April because she's cool and I'm cooler. Then there was...this guy and I shall not write anything more about him because I think he probably never treated me as one and I think I was wrong to even trust him with anything.

I'm really proud of my fellow NA members and I can't wait to work with you guys again!!!! I LOVE YOU YAY YAY. And of course my fellow warriors, Keane and Pengfei the two fags buddies and yeah I just don't know how to describe working with you guys. 

I just miss you so so bad and I can't stand it because I cannot show it. At all. And it's killing me again like it once did.

Okay, that's all (: 
