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Way Out
Keep the faith.
Monday, October 21, 20134:25 PM

"I can't ever change without you, you reflect me, I love that about you..."

Was supposed to go out with friends today but then since there was a change of plans, I've had a pretty good time since morning until now (: Not sure about what I'm going to do later, but I guess it feels good to be slacking again :B I have no idea why but there's just this nagging thought that I should study, even though EOYs are over (ahem o level chinese), which is weird because I've never gotten this feeling during slacking times and all hahaha. So far I've finished two episodes of Running Man, and Pitch Perfect ((: This is honestly the life ahahahaha.

Can the holidays please hurry up ):

Today's the first day of O levels. If I weren't in DHS, I'd be taking O levels now yeah. Time really flies. I can't believe it's been fours years since I took my last national exam :') Sigh hahahaha, all the best to everyone I guess (:

"He couldn't know about this. This darkness that you held inside of you, you couldn't let it taint his purity. You wanted to always protect the light in his eyes and you couldn't do that if you exposed him to your shadowy world." I can't let you in, I will never let you in. Don't you see? It's just so horrible in here and I want you to forever remember me by the good things and not all my flaws and weaknesses. I can't trust you enough that you'll see and not leave.

On a lighter note:
Another lovely song from K.will and what a lovely M/V as well :')

Four people

There will be about a million people you'd come across
And talk to, and laugh with, and walk beside.
But there're only four people in your life
Who'd make you feel like your soul just died.

One would never notice all the times you're sad,
You could be broken and torn, cast away
And trampled all over
But they'll never find the right things to say.

One would laugh at your predicaments,
Making you brush yourself off as stupidity and the like.
They'd call you a fool and ridiculous
When all you wanted was for them to make things right.

One would push you away,
And tell you they'll never need you in their lives.
Doesn't matter if you've known them for ages.
They'll take a deep breath and sever all ties.

The last one would be the one who hurts you the most
No, unlike the other three,
The deliberate ones,
This one opens your eyes to see.
That there'd be this person who'll go sometimes,
And leave when the time is right. 
But they'll never pull the trigger
When your personalities just urge to fight.

And when you're lying on your bed,
Writhing in such immense pain,
They'd be silently sobbing in their hearts,
Drowning their minds with rain.


That was the most painful thing I've ever written, and I only want to ask: what kind of person are you playing in this life of mine?
