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Way Out
Do you ever do this, you think back on all the times you've had with someone and you just replay it in your head over and over again and you look for those first signs of trouble?
Tuesday, October 22, 201312:13 PM

"Colour my life with the chaos of trouble."

I think the best thing about "holidays" are the times you spend catching up on good films and movies. I think I'd prefer books to movie adaptations because the book is better, most of the time. But the plus point about films and movies is you get to see the kind of feelings the characters portray, and it's kind of as it is, and not up to your interpretation. It's like, you have to get it and there's no way of going wrong. Do I make sense? ):

Anyway, 500 days with someone isn't a very long time. It's about a year and 135 days. I guess we all know people for less than a year and stuff like that, but thinking about it, 500 days of our lives isn't that long. Regardless, I guess I've known people who've made an impact even though it was a really short period of time. Heck, it was less than 500 days. But in some way or another, this person's just going to imprint something you'll never forget for probably the rest of your life.

I think it's sad, when people get together, but one side is more ready than the other. And it isn't anyone's fault. For a while I was angry with the girl in the film because she didn't want to have any commitments to the guy, even though he was obviously having his head in the clouds because of her. I just didn't understand why she wouldn't just let her guard down and then embrace this rare chance that two people feel the same about each other. Then I realised it's probably because it's a movie and I like movies to have happy endings and I just wanted these two people to turn out right.

Then it kind of dawned upon me that it isn't her fault, I guess. It isn't her fault to fear that things between them wouldn't stay the way it is forever, and I guess by distancing herself from the guy in the beginning would minimize the amount of pain she'd feel when it goes haywire. And I guess it just felt nice that someone was willing to stay around longer than the average human would, in order to break down her walls and try to understand the kind of world she lived in. Which is why trust came along, which is just so uncommon now.

I guess it's just regretful that people can't get together normally because circumstances always get in the way. Just like how they always say, life just gets in the way. And fortunately/unfortunately, we can never tell what's going to happen in the future, so things always turn out the way we didn't expect them to.

Oh well, just my two cents worth about the movie (: It's just kinda nice to watch something that would stir up some thoughts in you.
