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Way Out
Meant to be.
Thursday, August 1, 20135:30 PM

"You're not sorry..."

Hey there everyone (: Finally found time to come and update this thing (((though I should really get back to studying))) ugh. Haven't even had time to actually look at the computer at all D: 

So far the papers have been alright I guess, nothing much :/ But it's really worrying how they put Bio, Chemistry and Math 2 on the last three days, not to mention Chem SPA on the last day. All the brain power we all have to use TT^TT So so so worried for these three papers because I really suck in all three of them ): How sad. 

Finally had Nat Comp prize presentation (: It was postponed last week because of the rain and it was almost postponed again because it was raining again ): What's with raining on Thursdays )): #notcoolatall Hahaha, I'm glad it went well (: Oh well, it'd probably be the last time I would ever step onto the podium for anything and I'm glad it's because of Nat Comp (: Greatest achievement ever please :')

I'll try to endure it all, I'll be in pain, for you, for you.

Probably never going to get to go for Infinite's concert because my mum is really ignoring my text on purpose idek why D:

I think the reason why we can never forget things that we actually want to forget is because we put in too much effort to forget these things and they subconsciously just get drilled into our brains. It doesn't even work in the way where you can run away and just say that you want to delete all these things. It's not like you ignore a certain someone or something, and you cut off all relations with it, but it still haunts you every single time you are alone. Doesn't it bother you sometimes how you have control over every part of your body but you just cannot control your mind

I really don't know what to do without you.

So confused with all the mixed signals you're sending me can you please stop it and just tell me what is going on.

Alright, that's all I have to say I guess :/ Nothing much. Life is just boring like that == 

me (: