It gets better.
Sunday, August 25, 201312:41 AM
"The person who tries to keep everyone happy often ends up feeling the loneliest..."
Well, I don't know if I should feel glad or afraid or amused because there's a moth outside on my room and while it's keeping my parents from barging in and out at the frequency of 10 times per hour, it's preventing me from getting out to retrieve my charger 'cause I'm currently surviving on 16% of battery on my laptop. And I'm amused because I'm typing about this. What.
>> Friday: Friday morning was just like all mornings where the squad table would be so underpopulated D: And is it just me or is the canteen getting more and more empty? :/ Well, anyway, was left with the usual and Soong, but Soong left halfway D: Was having a good time trying to finish my math worksheet and listening to a good playlist on Peiqi's phone (: Hahahahaha. (PEIQI IF YOU'RE READING THIS, I HATE YOU FOR NOT SWITCHING ON YOUR "LAST SEEN" ON WHATSAPP D:) And then fast forward to electives. OH MY TIAN, can someone please please please research on why the benches in our science labs have holes in them like, yes they help you with the carrying of them but don't you guys know that it makes your butts hurt like some asdfghjkl too???? TT^TT I'm so sad. I need a cushion. Sat there for the entire time without moving around at all and the instructor went through the slides so fast that when you lift your pen to start copying, he's already on the next slide. So you quickly try to change line on your foolscap to copy the next slide but he's already on to the next one. Do you feel my pain. This is a million times worse than lecture.
>> Today: Usual routine in the morning .__. Then went to get Rachel's birthday present (happy birthday dear Eddie~ 25/8) and then back home and out again at night for dinner (: Haven't had fine dining in ages but I think it's such things that make you feel guilty for the rest of the week and then make you want to be a vegetarian or something :/ Hmph. CHIJMES is really really really pretty and I think the town area of Singapore is really happening (: Like today they were having some night event and it was super crazy with people singing and stuff (near SMU, where the students were pulling an all nighter for their project or something xD) and everyone was just crowded everywhere to catch a glimpse of the light shows and this fire display LOL. I'm not one for the hustle and bustle but it was great nonetheless (: And this woman who was walking on stilts came up to me and gave me a high five hehehehe I'm so happy she must have thought that I was a kid 8) Hahaha kidding, but she was so tall!!!!! Then headed back home and here I am (:
Finally done with photo editing :/ Ugh, I'm so tired right now.
me (: