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Way Out
Hearts are often broken by the words left unspoken.
Tuesday, August 6, 20136:10 PM

"I am going to you right now
Please wait a little for me
I can't go on 
If it's not you
I can't go on
If it's not you
I am going to you"

Looking at everyone celebrating the end of CT2 by eating all those great food and just lepak-ing around hahahaha. Haven't done that for a while now D: But cheers to the end of this arduous period! ((: And we're all like:
Hahahaha, finally a rest point until we all start mugging again for EOYs TT^TT 大家加油!I still have my "safe" GPA to reach :x

Started off the day on a bad note by accidentally knocking my head against the door frame of my dad's car and it was such an embarrassing accident ): I've accidentally knocked my head against the door frame many many many times (maybe that's why my brain cells are dying at the speed of light) but this time it was much worse .___. Skipped Math 2 paper and I'm currently mourning the unjustified death of my brain yesterday night for doing revision papers until 1+ )))))): Hahahahaha but I had a good rest I guess (: Went to see the doctor to get an M/C for my retest and then went home o.o Have been catching up on B1A4 Hello Baby ever since but whatever, that's not the point :3

I want to catch up on running man but UGH I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO DO SO == 

I just really want to go back in time, back to when I was a kid because I really think it's so lovely to only know so much about the world and to never have any hidden meanings in everything. It's so easy for kids to open up to you because all you need is patience and time, and to make the effort to show them that you want to play with them and stuff like that. Kids seldom have barriers or walls to keep people away because it's almost as if they have nothing to be afraid of. Whether or not people define you as actually having a "childhood", I guess everyone just wants to go back to the point when they had nothing to worry about. And that's really wonderful (: I want to be a kid again.

Talking about sacrificing for you, again. Will it be worth it? I know I can do so much more, but I can't bring myself to do so because I know you'll never be happy like that. I can give up everything, but is it time for me to start being a little selfish?

Have you ever just met someone and something just draws you to him/her. It isn't affection, but you just can picture yourself being beside them and just getting to know them better because you want to be involved in their lives. And here you sit, wishing that you guys were best friends because that's all you ask of them.

Alright, that's all I guess (: Getting a bit tired D: Oh well, nothing much to update anyway~ Teehee.
