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Way Out
The sad thing is, I actually thought you were different.
Tuesday, July 2, 201312:45 AM

"When I think of you, I don't feel so alone..."

^ Lies. When I think of you, I think about how everything has changed and it's not what it used to be, and definitely not how I wanted it to end. And that just gets me started on feeling so lonely because I know you'll never feel as much as I do.

HELLO. I'm thinking of having an early night today because first day of school was just draining on mental and physical strength D: How was everyone's first day of school though! :DD Hahahahaha. 

I think today just didn't start off as planned ;___; Or at least, it wasn't a smooth sailing day. I mean, how can it be smooth sailing when early in the morning at 8:15AM you have your first encounter with your terrifying Language Arts teacher who's going to be haunting you for the next 3 months? And the first thing she did when everyone realised she was our teacher to shout at some kid halfway through lecture, threatening to send the person out of the auditorium if he/she breathes another word O__O Seriously. After that I just kind of just decided that my fate is sealed and I have absolutely nothing to do about it. Never been so early for LA lesson that came right after recess. Second time with her and she's everything but nice and friendly. HOW CAN A WOMAN BE SO BITTER. She acts like the whole world owes her for existing ugh TT^TT But alright, I see where this is going. 4D really needs to buck up and start not failing everything so here's to 4D, good luck and let's work on this!! ><

The entire day was just boring and crazy. You know the horror when your math teacher asks you to pass up your first math assignment (there are 3 by the way) and you take it out of your file and realise YOU DIDN'T COMPLETE IT TT^TT Ugh hahaha, but thank God she didn't collect it in the end *phew* Almost lost half my life there and then D: Changed seats! Sitting with Nadine now ((: I miss my old seat though. Such change isn't really a nice feeling :/ 

And all respect and admiration for Mrs Dayna Chia (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)

Comptrain today was alright (: Ma'am Shenglian came down to train us since our mentors were having common tests and they probably didn't believe that we can self-train xD But nevertheless, thankful for all the guidance and constructive comments we got today (: Training with Ma'am Shenglian as compared to the two other nurses is very different. Like, it's more relaxed and less stressful with her and stuff, since we know her for a longer period of time. But training with the other two nurses is just very very very awkward :x Hahahaha. JIAYOU GUYS. Good job for today :DD And let's work hard now! (: Nat comp is in (officially now) 12 days!!! 8) #noregrets

And did everyone catch the teaser!!!

There are some people whom you never would need in your life. And these people probably don't even want you in their lives. So why not do them the favour and leave first, and save yourself some heartache in the process as well. 

Alright, shall go off and do my integration notes -.- UGH. I really really really don't understand how busy one can feel right now TT^TT 

me (: