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Way Out
And I want to live not just survive.
Wednesday, July 3, 201311:25 PM

"You still take me by surprise..."

也许每一个男子都有过这样两个女人,至少两个。娶了红玫瑰,久而久之,红的变成了墙壁上一扶蚊子血,白的还是 “床前明月光”;娶了白玫瑰,白的便是衣服上沾的一粒饭黏子,红的却是心口上一颗朱砂痣。

Found the above written in my Biology notebook when I came back up to class one day. When I came up, Zenghan asked me "Why are you so emo?" and I thought that he was just making fun of me and stuff as usual. Then I saw this in my book and Jamie told me that while Zenghan was sitting in my seat, he wrote this. I didn't get it so I went to google it and stuff. I think (pardon me if I'm wrong) what this quote was trying to say is that, in his eyes, there will always be more than one choice, and you will never just be his only choice. All these choices are beautiful, pretty, perfect; but when he finally decides on one, suddenly it doesn't seem so special anymore, and the other choices that he gave up suddenly seem a much better choice. All in all, he will never be satisfied with what he has in front of him. Afterall, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just thought that I should share how nice my friends are (:

And...nothing to say for today :/ Nothing special. I'm just really tired but I have lots of homework left so I don't see myself sleeping any time soon -.-


me (: