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Way Out
Life doesn't hurt until you think about how much things have changed, who you've lost along the way, and how much of it was your fault.
Thursday, June 13, 20135:08 PM

"We will never cry..."

Things nowadays are getting a little bit complicated. I wouldn't say what but I guess it's quite a known problem. It got to me a lot a while back, and then I sort of decided to overlook it and carry on with life, but recently this problem just appeared again (out of the blue) and I don't know what to feel about it. I know I shouldn't be affected by it because people have been telling me not to, and I fear nothing because I'm not on the wrong side. I'm doing nothing wrong, at least I hope so. There's no reason for me to fear anything or anyone but it just doesn't feel good to know that there's someone waving a knife behind you. In any case, it's really burdensome and I don't want to think about it. Just felt like writing it here so that at least I get it out of my system. 

Also, I realised I've been using "I don't know" a lot and I guess it's just that there are so many feelings, emotions, situations, problems and many many things that just can't be classified anywhere. And so instead of cracking our brains to formulate a category for it, we chuck it under this huge pile of "I don't know" (:

I need a best friend. Desperately. And not one just in name, but in promise. I just want someone to be there when I need to talk at 2am, and someone who would just fly down when I'm hanging off a cliff. And someone who would walk everywhere with me just because I'm bored, and someone who would just simply watch bad movies and share popcorn. 


me ;)