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Way Out
It's impossible to forget someone who gave you so much to remember.
Tuesday, June 25, 201311:11 PM

"I want a simple explanation for what I'm feeling inside..."

I'm torn between watching B1A4 Hello Baby or to do my tuition homework because I technically had 2 weeks to do my assessment books but I completely forgot about it so I have 2 weeks worth of work to do D: And there's tuition tomorrow. Ugh. But Gongchan and Jinyoung are too irresistible TT^TT HOW. HELP. WHY.

Today was a good day I guess (: Slept to my heart's content and then went for tuition at Bugis (: Why can't Aspen @ Bugis be at a more obvious place though >< Haha, had to stop by Macpherson mrt to drop off Little Anne with Charlotte, because no way am I lugging a cpr dummy to tuition :o hahaha. Did a re-cap on differentiation and I was still feeling pretty happy with myself because I know all the rules by heart and stuff. And then, like everything ever taught to you, they turn out simple but when you start on the exercise, it gets hard like hell and you flip back to the first page and you wonder why wasn't there maybe a fine print saying that the following questions wouldn't be like anything you learnt. And then you think that they're hard (and you're already struggling with them) and then you see what comes out for tests and exams. WHYYYYYY. Thank goodness it was only one and a half hours and I just fled after that. Lol, sorry 'cher.

Went to Charlotte's place for second round of cleaning supplies! ;) Productive session and very very very epic hahahaha (x Glad that I could see my dear team after so long (it feels very long!!!) and moreover comptrains in school are cancelled because of the stupid haze D: UGH. Why. I bet the school misses us. And kongzi. They must be so sad and lonely now TT^TT

Nat comp is coming so so so soon. If I didn't think about it today, I would have thought we're still left with loads of time ): It seems like just yesterday when we won zone comp and we started taking our breaks and stuff. And planning our training schedule. Now we're entering into the month of July and soon it'd be Nat. Our one and only chance. I don't know what to feel about it actually. The more I expect from myself (which I know I should), the more I fear that I won't reach my expectations, and the more I fear to screw up. It isn't a case like our NC days, when people could pat us on our backs and say "try again next year". It's really just one chance, one shot, our first and last. Hmm, kind of regretful isn't it? The fact that competition means so much to the team, I feel really grateful for these four people who share the same drive and passion to do well in this area we've got ourselves into last year. The fact that we're still running and striving for our best is really just... I'm not even trying to sell my team or anything, but I am really just thankful that I have these people with me and I guess life would never be the same without NA. We've had our fair share of problems and disagreement and things along the way, but it's never gotten to us and came between us so I hope it stays that way :') Jiayou guys! Hope that we'll continue improving (remember our last fd sequence :D) and when the time comes we'll go home with smiles plastered all over the place (:

It's either I lose myself, or I lose you. But if I can't even stand being with myself, and you mean so much, tell me what kind of choice do I make?

Can we just find a time machine and head back to the past? When I didn't know anything this world held for me and when I just knew what made me happy and what didn't? When I didn't read into things people said and did, and I just took everything as it is? When I would believe in everything and when I thought forever was really for ever? It's so bad now to think that people grow up and lose sight of what made them happy in the past, and everyday just feels so miserable as we seek for things we can never get our hands on. When was the last time nothing bothered you and you could just laugh and laugh and laugh and smile like the world never did exist?

Have you ever missed talking to someone so much, but you just don't know the cause of it?

Alright, I made my decision: B1A4 it is!!!!!!
