Follow me, soon we'll be where the clouds hang from.
Wednesday, June 5, 20134:12 PM
"I've been crazy for you all this time..."
Currently at home, having a fever O___O Something to do with playing with water and getting sick but that's besides the point (x Oh well. And I ran in the rain just now because I couldn't afford to wait for the rain to stop and who knew it would rain and bring and umbrella when the sun was just killing everyone? :/ Being in the rain has it's consequences though hahaha (x Like how I stood in the rain for 10 minutes to take a photo of the rain and then got sick afterwards (((((x But that's another story xD
So for the past few days I've been in school for annual leisure camp :D And no regrets going, really. I mean, it was different between attending as a standard four (and because it wasn't compulsory) versus going as a cadet. Sure, there was more freedom but it still didn't feel the same. In any case, congrats to all the houses for intra-comp, whether you guys got a trophy or not, but good job everyone! Hehehe, I have a trophy too~ HAHA. I guess Intra-comp didn't start out the way I expected it to be because Cheekeat blacked out and then everyone was just so shocked :o
It was nice being with Dactyl again, especially because I haven't been down for their comptrains and it was only during ALC where we could play as a house again, even though not everyone was present for ALC. Thank you Dactyl hahaha. And of course, hope that we'll thrive in the years that follow alright! ((: Seeing the standard threes start to take charge, it definitely felt good (: It's like we can just sit there and discuss about plans and they'll take care of everything. Weird, but comforting all the same ((:
LOL, and what did the five standard fours do? Hahahahahaha, thinking about it just makes me want to burst out in laughter xD On the first night after supper, Mr Lim wanted to talk to us so we finished eating (ahem Peiqi ahem cakes ahem) and then we want to bathe with Ma'am Yihfang (HAHAHA). Then after that we went to the parade square and we just laid there. Even though there were absolutely no stars that night, it was still peaceful to be in almost absolute silence and just look at the vast sky with the clouds (: Then we just sat there and talked and lepak with Ma'am Yihfang and waited for Mr Lim to finish his meeting. After he was done, he said that he had nothing to talk to us about so we just sat there a while more and then decided to head up to our bunks to sleep. Well, five people to one classroom hahaha, imagine the space. By the time we went up it was 2+ in the morning and when I finally went to sleep, it was near to 3 .__.
The next day was just madness hahaha. Set our alarm at 6:15AM and once my alarm rang and I switched it off, the firedrill code word was shouted (((x HAHA, so accurate please. Had more house bonding activities and it was great (: I think the most memorable was when the seniors let us take the mini-activites time slot and LOL, it was hasty planning at its best (x Planned a water game and it was not supposed to make people wet but of course, with us and the kids, anything can happen (x Went around flicking water at people while they were blind-folded and they were like, "WHO'S THAT!? OMG STOP IT!" (x And Bangyong omg, "COME COME COME, ASLAN'S HOLY WATER" (((x And of course, going around confusing people, making them bump into people :D And then we got wet as well because the standard threes wanted to splash us with water hurhurhur. Got the kids wet by the classic method of pretending to squeeze them to talk to them and then my fellow instructors were behind with jugs and scoops and when I finished I just gave them the cue and BOOMZXC everyone was wet ahahahahah. Okay, but after that was bad because the kids went on to attack my squadmates which was not funny at all ):< Ahem. Then went to talk to Mr Lim again while the kids continued with more games ((:
After they finished their water games, hahahaha, we decided to self-entertain * U * And we just grabbed the water guns and we just played with water for an hour plus ((x MADNESS. Thank God no cadets were around because I think we just played like 5 year old kids (x Dried off at the field and then went for flag lowering. Had dinner, and prize presentation and then left for home (':
Really really really no regrets coming for ALC even though the attendance from the us was pathetic and Pengfei was sick but it was really memorable and so yeppppppp.
I may mean nothing to you but you need to know that you mean a lot more than you think to me. Being with you just makes me feel better about myself and I don't want that to ever change.
Alright, need to prepare for NA night training (x It's raining so I guess I NEED MORE TIME DDD:
me ;)
It's time to move on and leave you behind.