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Way Out
Gracefully letting go.
Thursday, May 16, 201312:04 AM


Feeling really sleepy now so I shall do a short one (: Hurhur, getting more and more sleepy easily these few days DD: Aish.

Today was an okay day (: The entire day was kind of fun (?) hahahaha. Especially during Bio practical when we went around chopping up carrots and adding hydrogen peroxide and watching the balloon inflate as oxygen was produced :D And then they made the loads float on the water :3 WHEEEEE (Y) Hahahaha. And math was just zzzzz, fell asleep halfway through going through the paper so I didn't catch all the answers but omg, I really couldn't help it TT^TT

After that, stayed back for a while for ACE presentation and then the day ended off well with lunch with Jamie, Jaslyn and Felicia ((: Hehehehehe. We bought ramen with less soup, milo dinosaur and chingchao~ Hahahaha, and we just ate like pigs and just talked (x It was really great fun (: After that went for SMC meeting then home n___n 

Alright, I really can't take it anymore. Still got work to do :/ UGH. Goodnight~

me (: