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Way Out
Wednesday, April 17, 20135:21 PM

"Like a wretch, I still miss your smile
I hate myself for that -
I still can’t acknowledge that it’s the end for you and me..."

Hello~ I'm back again (: Just wasn't able to find the time and energy to blog == And I think every day is almost the same TT^TT

>> Yesterday: Thank God that we didn't have to present for LA if not I'd have flopped and die ): Totally didn't rehearse or anything but good job to the two groups who did their presentation! :D Kind of more worried about who'd be accessing us for OP --.-- Hahaha. Comptrain yesterday was the slackest comptrain since the beginning of NC/NA HAHA. Did one case for home nursing and then Geena fell asleep so the rest of us just slacked and talked shit 8))) Omg damn crazy. We talked from subject combi, to kids, to husbands, to future jobs, to POP songs and then after that we packed up and went to have "talk with mentors". Surprised Peiqi with her cake and did all the usual birthday stuff like singing and presenting of present ((((: Hahahaha. Craziest comptrain ever.

>> Today: Woke up to the rain which wasn't very heavy but by the time I went out of the house, it was almost like a tornado was brewing or something o___o Dad drove me to school and on the way I saw that many places were flooded!  L.L Oh my, and it was quite bad D: There was a tree that fell and thank goodness it didn't hurt anyone :/ Aish. But the weather was so so so good for sleeping (: And now it's back to the hot and humid weather again TT^TT Lessons were okay haha except that during Bio, we had to witness a butterfly getting its wings caught in the fan and a part of its wings got ripped off ))): Scarred for life >< Then had lunch with Geena and talked a while with Jiaying and went home alone ): Was so tired that I fell asleep after Aljunied station and didn't wake up until Serangoon O___O

So many problems recently that I don't know which should be my priority.

I don't know why but you're invading my thoughts ever so frequently now.


P.S. Good luck everyone for common tests!