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Way Out
Stay with me.
Sunday, March 10, 201312:32 AM

Just got my computer back from servicing .___. Hopefully I'd be able to get my hands (and time) on the computer so that I can actually blog and reply to important emails properly without using the phone internet -.- Sorry to those people who have been sending me emails and everything, especially meihwa SO SORRY I can't reply on time and stuff ==

1. RT (: I am really really really glad that it went the way we wanted it to be. I'm very very very proud of the standard twos but most importantly of my smc (': it takes two hands to clap and to see everyone working together to make things work...I don't know, I just felt like THIS IS THE WAY THINGS SHOULD BE. It's definitely too late for regrets, seeing that it's already March and we're going to be gotten rid of soon. But in any case, let's make this last journey a fruitful one because we've been failing for far too long.

After RT, had smc session and met Sir Janson properly and rather informally (xD) with pizza and stuff (: I really am thankful for him to come down and say all those things to us because even though it wasn't the entire smc who stayed back, I'm sure majority of us felt motivated after the talk. And that's the way it should be. Still pretty confused with how I want my ending scene of SJ to be but it doesn't matter because I'll just take whatever it can offer me now; everything means far too much to me.

2. Zone Comp Briefing (: Went to meet NA at tampines to have breakfast and then went off to Tampines Sec for briefing (: Feels different to actually know such things before going for the actual comp because last year we only sent Charlotte. Sorry Charlotte, it must have been very intimidating :O Alright, goodbye Tampines grounds and see you on the 23rd ;)

3. SQUAD OUTING (: Being a squad of low productivity I think it applies to our squad outing xD The most awkward and funny squad outing ever. It's like, we seldom have time for squad outings and when we do have one, we spend 3 hours at Mr Lim's house, playing bridge and risk OTL Hahahahahaha. WHY. Lololol super no life please (x In any case we still had fun :D

Unrequited feelings that I will never have the courage to find out.

Goodnight guys. Sorry for the lack of updates. I wonder who even comes here now :/