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Way Out
Have I told you lately that I love you.
Monday, March 11, 201312:00 AM

"I fall, you and I collide..."

FINALLY. My computer is backkkk. *throws confetti* Well, it just proves that I can actually live without a computer but it was really very very very inconvenient :/ Sigh. And look at my poor DHSmail inbox. Unsorted emails (sorry I've got some OCD with this) D:

Well, decided to start on this again because I'm bored:

Day 1: Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
*throws a brick at the computer screen* LOL, this is the kind of question that does not require a proper answer.

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years.
I would like to be still on Earth and I'd be 26 so...I hope I'd have my dream job (whatever it is) and not slogging my guts out grudgingly.

Day 3: Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Meh. Drugs are stupid. Alcohol is okay I guess, until it gets nasty and excessive.

Day 4: Your views on religion.
They should be respected I guess and for me, it keeps me going and they really keep me rooted.

Day 5: A time you thought about ending your life.
- skips question -

Day 6: Write 3 interesting facts about yourself.
1. I'm not interesting, really.
2. I am five feet eleven! (those who get it xD)
3. This is my favourite emoticon C: But I don't use it anymore, or rather SELDOM use it just because.

Day 7: Your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.
Okaaaay. You guys can google my zodiac sign because I think it's really awkward to mention it here --.-- But in any case, I think it is pretty accurate for me because I behave exactly like that and sometimes I think I'm proud of it but sometimes I just feel like an absolute b****.

Day 8: A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life.
Can't remember things from donkey years ago but for now, it'd be FRIDAY.

Day 9: How you hope your future will be like.
I hope I'd be far far away from where I am now and that I won't be alone if that happens.

Day 10: Discuss your first love and first kiss.
For the former, it was bittersweet. And for the latter, come to DHS, second floor of senior high block, room labelled SJ room and I believe you'd meet the lucky person omg.

Day 11: Put your ipod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up.
I don't own an ipod and the closest thing that I have to one is an mp3 player and I'm so sorry but it died a few hours ago TT^TT

Well, I shan't describe my day because it was just oh so boring D: But I'm still glad that my dear lappy is back because...jfljflarapfpfpf I've been missing out on far too many things ):

Comp is coming, guys.

me ;)