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Way Out
(trololol Japanese food appreciation post :B)
Friday, November 2, 201211:29 AM

"Let's pretend it's love..."

Sad to say (at least for me), I woke up about half an hour ago *___* I can't believe this. I've been sleeping until it's close to afternoon before jolting awake, realising half my day is already gone TT^TT But then again, it's super super good to be sleeping until you wake up naturally, rather than waking up to the sound of the annoying alarm (/ /U/ /) Teehee. My apologies if you've been texting/calling/whatsapping during the morning and I don't reply :X

>> Yesterday: DACTYL COMPTRAIN! It was supposed to start at 9AM but I couldn't stand being in the house for too long so I reached school at 8:20AM .__. I waited for 40 minutes for any life form to appear in front on me. And Lau was supposedly in the canteen at 8:20AM too! But she only saw my tweet (about me complaining about hobo-ing in school) at about 8:40AM D: Then we went to the SJ room and the standard ones were already there O__O Well, some. And some of them were reading their FA notes which was good! (: Then opened SJ room, and I can't believe it but Dactyl only learnt how to ask for permission yesterday. Tsktsktsk lololol. Went to use hostel area since Bene not training 8) Training was okay. Teaching them stuff was okay too lol. But FA case was just...OTL Kill me now. So arduous and long and so...): That's why, if any of you are reading this, which I hope not -__-, YOU GUYS BETTER READ YOUR FA NOTES BEFORE COMING asdfghjkl TT^TT Haish. Huijun and Leyi are good hyperventilation casualties ;) Their screaming and crying was just...DAEBAK. But, no one can beat Soong right ;D

L's favourite! :DD
Then after that was footdrill. Only had 50 minutes left because FA case dragged (PSSSSH D:) and we didn't realise until Aegis went down for footdrill O__O Shared the netball court with Aegis (: I think their footdrill improved (Y) The basics were sometimes missing and everything but I guess as compared to previous training, they improved a lot! :D *clapclap* But still, need more practice luh. Taught them hormat to the right + left while marching. And then belok. Must remember to go and practice okay! If not you will start owing us practice hours. Yeah, one of them already do~ Made them do bersurai and then they were dismissed! (: 

Went to kampong arang to have lunch (: Aegis was there too. So Soong, Meihwa, Staff Diane and I took one table and we were all eating yay yay yay. Hahahaha so epic. Talked a lot of crap. I told Lau that after she's done, she can tell me, or she wait for me. And then when we were done, Aegis was still there, so we thought that they having meeting, so we sat there and waited for them. Aegis ALSO thought that we were having meeting, so they waited for us. So wait here, wait there, we waited for each other for nothing for about one hour O__O Hahahaha. Then Aegis stood up, and came over, and then they asked, "Are you all done?" and I was like, "We were waiting for you!" and then Lau said, "We were also waiting for you!" LOLOLOL. And then we said, "HUH, I thought you all having talk!" and Aegis said, "We thought you all having meeting!" trololololol. Epic. Then took circle line home with Meihwa, Samantha, Lau, Yanshu, Staff Diane and Staff (?) Junhao. Lololol. Went home and Dad was already home -__- Lol.

Still have to chiong AOP 3 ppt slides later. Which actually I see no point in attending. Damn pekcek -.- I think we really need to enforce more responsibility and effective communication within the corps, yeah?

Alright, time to go and watch my Shut Up Flower Boy Band! *U* Then after that go and do powerpoint slides == ASDFGHJKL sianjipua
