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Way Out
Sunday, November 4, 201211:11 PM

"At all..."

Wahseh, just finished reading this email sent by Sir Kennard and OTL, he's damn joke (x I seriously cannot believe how gay he is man. The way he try to hold our discussion during AOP 3 was damn joke and now he send this kind of email about watching us and he still put what "hate me love me I don't care" WTS. Hahahahas. Omg.

>> Saturday: Hohoho, woke up slightly late for SJ and I chionged out of the house in 10 minutes == And then train-ed to school. AOP 3 started off...weird. Mr Lim was supposed to speak to us regarding out studies and stuff but then he couldn't make it so Ma'am Yihfang took the role of speaking to us about that as well as our behaviour etc. Then Ma'am Glada took over and she was sharing about her kids in the primary school she's teaching at and all that stuff and we were like "...we didn't come here for this man" and all of us were just dying to get AOP over and done with O__O It was a weird start to something so...serious as AOP but yeah. What the hell. Then officially started AOP 3 when all the seniors were sitting in that row at the back. I guess it was okay. Nothing big. So...okay, not as bad as AOP 2.

Had lunch at KFC and then went to SJ HQ for CPR & AED Course (: I think this year I've went to SJ HQ like, countless of times already D: Going to be so familiar with that place man. And yeah, didn't even know the course was on that day so I didn't read the PDF file that they sent us >< But they taught most of the stuff. Went through all the dry dry stuff first. Then had practical, which I paired with Geena. Quite cool to actually get to learn how to use the AED (: Theory paper...I think I got 1 mistake? Needed to get at least 80% out of 15 questions correct :/ Haha, but I passed! (: I passed everything la~ HEEHEE. Ended an hour early too :D

>> Sunday: Didn't get to go to church -.- Zzz. Went for lunch at kampong arang, no idea WHY but yeah. And then Dad dropped me off at Parkway and I had to stone/walk around by myself until 2PM D: Ugh. No money, walk what shit sia TT^TT But okay la, 40 minutes killed quite easily and effortlessly. Then went fot tuition. Really lost touch with Chemistry already :O Super screwed now TT^TT But I guess it was okay. Keane's in my tuition now O__O And Enyou's going to slaughter me the next time I see him because I exposed his embarrassing story of being trapped in the cupboard by our Lit class guys xD Aw man, I'm so horrible ;) Went around Singapore like a tourist with my relatives from overseas and I'm so tired ):

Super angry with someone ._.

I just want to feel normal around you again.

I keep over-thinking and it sucks to over think because it's just so unhealthy to expect something from someone and then you end up disappointing yourself so so much.

Okayyyy, that's all (: TIRED.

ME (: