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Way Out
Wednesday, October 10, 20125:58 PM

"Happiness is not a station you arrive at but a manner of travelling..."

Hurhurhurhur, L is too cute ;D This is what you get when you spam watch Ranking King 8))) PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT WATCHING, GO AND WATCH OKAY ;) Especially now that EOY is over~ *U* Hahahahaha. I expected the end of EOY to be some big thing where people actually jump out of their seats and shit but it wasn't O__O

Woke up late for school .__. Like, later than usual. Took 10 minutes to get the contacts in because I suck. Met the kids at the table as usual (: Aish. During flag raising, Ms Fang accidentally stepped on my phone wahahaha super funny k (x LOL, but it was weird haha. She stood next to me again and I felt super pressurized to sing the national anthem hahaha. But of course I didn't sing too loudly in case she cringes at my singing ;)))

Math 2 paper was hard like some...rock TT^TT Seriously. At first I was still super chill before the paper, joking around with Jaslyn and all those crap and then when I got the paper, I just felt like flipping the table and shouting "SHIT JUST GOT REAL" )))): Omg. Seriously. I was already stuck at the first question wts. And even though polynomials was like, my most confident one, there was like one question I think which I just guessed. Most of the questions were full of guesses == Oh my. Prepared to fail already .___. What a bad way to end EOY! ): That explains why nobody like "WHOOOOOO!" at the end of the paper or like "OMGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!" kind of thing ._. Everyone was probably silently grieving about Math 2. Even when you step out of 3D and walk along the 3rd floor, everyone's just like smiles but not filled with yipeeeee-ness L.L How sad.

Left school and walked to KLP. The initial plan was to eat Pastamania but then since there's 1-for-1 at Subway, we ditched Pastamania (teehee) and to the horror of everyone, Ying doesn't know how to order from Subway either. I'M SORRY OKAY, I'm just very inexperienced in such stuff. I really don't get how they have so many different types of bread (actually I only found out today, I always thought there was only the normal kind of bread) and how to choose all the toppings and everything (I thought they were standard O__O). Oh well. Sorry people. Heh. I'm going to be some laughing stock. And I actually asked them if they had fork and spoon in Subway. Gah. I need a life.

Heh. Yoguru, since Sweet Chills closed down (?) and Lau seems to own every yogurt card possible 8) Hahahas. And everyone got the medium sized yogurt except for me TT^TT I'm spending too much money OTL hahaha. And I always add honey stars, without fail. It's a must ;D

This is so cute~
Lau's and mine 8))
The one with peach is Peiqi's, the one without topping is Geena's, the one with mochi and oreo is Lau's, the black black one is Charlotte's and the teeny tiny one filled with honey stars is mine! :D

Stoned for super long at Yoguru doing God knows what -.- Then decided to move our butts to Tampines HAHA. Supposed to go shop shop but how are we supposed to shop when we are down on mar-neh? :/ They bought gongcha (Geena drank plain water ;D) and then just sat at our usual place trolololol. And then decided to move around and we just went through shops and stuff. Went to Daiso and all the stuff super pretty I cannot stand it. Lau suggested playing the game of finding the most useless stuff in Daiso (x Haha, impossible la, everything is cool (/ /U/ /) Walked somemore somemore somemore and then said our goodbyes~ D: Peiqi and Lau took bus home and then Geena brought Charlotte and me to Laoban since we had no idea where it was (: Bought Laoban back for Queen Bee who was bored at home and texting me if I ate her home cooked rice and stuff == TROLOLOL. #kcan Yay, awesome day! :DD

My opinions don't matter, do they.

Before EOY, or even during EOY, we always make long list of stuff to do after EOY but now that it's truly over, I don't know what to do (/ /^/ /) Feels empty now ;/ Sighh.

That moment when you flash by.

Okay, off to watch Ranking King! :DD HAHAHAHAHAHA ^^

ME (: