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Way Out
We've got nothing figured out.
Saturday, September 15, 20123:52 PM

"Piece that I'm missing..."

HELLO I'm back hahaha (: Sorry for the previous post that ended so abruptly kekekeke. But I'm back hellohellohello. Anyway, say hello to the weekends (: I feel like I've to treasure these weekends that seem so rare nowadays but maybe it's just because I'm just so so so so so tired after an entire week :X Aww. But EOYs are coming! We have to go full speed ahead! 

>> Thursday: I cannot remember much about that day, except for PE, where we took our soccer test -.- Zzzz. Just proves how little I know about soccer even though it's an awesome sport to watch and play hahaha. I thought a soccer team has 10 people per team trololol, but now I know, it's 11 8) And then we had the test where we had to weave the soccer ball around cones to make the figure of 8 thingo. And I failed badly at it and Mr Fazly kept screaming at me because I didn't know how to stop the ball with my feet and do a drag back but instead I used my hands TT^TT (human reflex .__.) psssh. And Yuanzhang broke the record of 18 secs with his 14 secs O__O And I got how long...let me see, could it be 40 secs!? == Pssssh. That means every one round I go, Yuanzhang can complete 3 rounds around that stupid cone thing. Omg. Kill me now.

Mrs Vora did not come for Literature and she didn't give us any homework to do. And so...yeah, being the 3B+3D combined lit class, we played hahahaha. Totally forgot the fact that EOYs are around the corner (x So we played with the Nerf Gun and at first the guys were having those shooting games where they run around the class, hiding behind all the chairs and tables hahaha. And then we made some story, where Shimin is the royal princess, Kristel is her lady in waiting, Kester is the assassin and Ziyi is his pet snake (xD), Enyou is the royal cat, Yuanzhang is the royal dog-horse mutant, Ernest is the royal archer (but then turned into a dartboard later), Tiffany is the royal washing lady because she complained that Chianhao's PE shirt stinks, Jamie is the royal gardener and I'm a plant HAHA. Oh gawd. Then the guys tried to shoot Ernest's glasses (: HAHA. Omg super joke and funny okay. And meanwhile everyone was studying humanities while we were being such retards.

>> Friday: Weird morning of doing ACE in the morning at 6:30 AM O_O Heh. And then I broke my school badge -.- Rushed to school to hand in Yunnan reflections to Ma'am Rongying hahaha. I can't believe it but I cannot really remember much of what happened even though it was just yesterday O_O Psssh. Studied in school afterwards with the kids and then three of them left, and then Charlotte and I continued studying. I think I can win Charlotte in procrastinating already D: I was doodling on my new files and then doing a lot of crazy stuff oh stupid me ): Haish sigh. Then went home (: Saw Yinglin and Huiying coming out from their school when I was on 158 hahaha. They had CCA and they were wearing our SNCO tee! LOLOLOL (: Then went to my uncle's house and watched Avengers! (: I like Captain America HAHAHAHA B) Then home and I read the recipe book that my mum borrowed from the library until I fell asleep .__.


Having a throbbing headache now ._. Hurts like mad. Omg. Hope I don't fall sick please please please please 8(

Okay, that's all (: BYEBYE.
