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Way Out
#78 : He's gone and he doesn't want me back.
Tuesday, July 31, 201211:06 PM

"I know it's time to leave, but you'll be in my dreams tonight..."

YUP. Another mundane day at school D: Can't believe my life is like some cycle. Wake up > School > Go home > Sleep > *cough* Study *cough* > Slack > Sleep. And the cycle repeats itself every day without fail and seriously, there's no variation to it. Kind of miss those days when I would wake up and actually look forward to something, which is pretty much rare nowadays. Piano exam tomorrow ;/ Maybe that's a variation for a start? A bad one, in fact. Definitely not prepared, as I've assessed myself today at the piano .__. Not going to school tomorrow 8) Hahas, I guess that's the only plus point :B 

>> Saturday - Sunday: POP DAY. Hahas, the thing that we've been slogging our guts out for finally took place O_O Was supposed to reach school at 0730 but then some stuff cropped up and only reached school at 0745. Nevertheless, nothing was done LOL, so Lau, Peiqi, Keane and I got the keys from the sleepy seniors and then started work. Trolololol. The preparation in the morning was hectic like mad. Flurry of phone calls, running up and down, proving the impossible when 3 nursings cleared a quarter of the canteen by themselves (O_O), changing within 5 minutes into Full-U because I didn't bring my Half-U D: Hahahs. Seriously, it was crazy! Parade rehearsal was damn joke luh please. Don't know what the shit I was doing and Keane was laughing at me because he said I zao xia -ed when I commanded *shame shame* LOLOLOLOL. Did the barricade for canteen to separate us from NPCC during Std 4s rest time and OMG, super mafan can that piece of cloth lololololol. Ate lunch and then went to fall in! (: Our dear standard ones and twos were finally there and stuff :3 Took corps photo, which took a really long time hahahaha. And took AC and AA photo also!~ Then parade rehearsals again (: Commanding will never get better, it's fated (x And then after a while, real parade le! O_O Didn't even realise it until I asked Jiajun ): But I got to wear the chio white gloves and the colourful band thingo (what's it called???) HEHE :D Yay, I love my uniform accessories! Screwed up my belok at the end of the parade when I was going back to close the parade 8( Aiyooo. Dinner was like...better than I expected? Haha, considering all the things that cropped up. Tbh, the entire POP (at least for me) was filled with impromptus >) Super funny the way we impromptu. Social Night was fun, until friendship dance when I realised I had a fever TT^TT Our performance was screwed~ xD HAHAHAHAHAHA, bunch of jokers trolling on stage as usual 8) Standard fours performance damn cool can hahaha, and Keane and I were showing Ma'am Yihfang that we could baby freeze too at the curtains when Standard Fours were singing (x JOKER. Last part was the cake part where we just came up with an idea of making them TOC Staff Mingyu to the parade square for fun. Sorry standard fours, you guys were not supposed to do that but hey, take it as an experience! It's not everyday that you get to TOC your squadmate (x HEH. All in all it was a success (?) and yeah, kind of satisfied with it no matter what people think.


>> Today: ._. Typical Tuesday -.- Seriously. I keep falling asleep in class because I slept at 2+ D: Don't know doing what sia. Mdm Khoo once again threatened to call parents if any of us fall asleep. Slept during E.lit which I didn't even realise D: One moment I was listening and copying down notes with my head on the table and the next moment, BAAAM!, totally disappeared from the surface of the Earth :O Sigh. Changed position, sat up to write and then BAAAM!, gone again with my head nodding off )): After school had lunch with NC and then went to return all the logistics borrowed for POP to all their respective places with Peiqi hahas. PA system, dispenser, table cloth .___. Left SC cloth hahahaha (x Then went to practice piano which was...demoralizing L.L Oh well. Went back and took an hour nap ^^ Hehe. And here I am! Had cake or dessert trolololol and rock melon <3 n__n

Better start doing my work before my dad rages ==
