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Way Out
#73 : Stop hurting.
Thursday, July 12, 20121:13 AM

"I walk alone anyway..."

Updating this blog again hahas. It's actually just to keep me awake longer so that I won't sleep so soon ;/ Even though I'm seriously bushed -.- Have to help AC polish boots but I wonder if I should do it another time. Sigh. Not say they're gonna use it tomorrow ah, and then all the shine would be gone and I'd have to redo. But fine, since I promised them. I shall do them soon :X

Today was fine. Even though I slept at 10+, I was still tired like shit. Got a ride to school hiphiphip. So was kind of early hahas. Met up with NC as usual <3 Hahahas. Whole day was pretty much uneventful la. Spent 3 periods in Chinese just going through the newspaper and doing some reflection for some articles. Xie Lao Shi was kind of annoyed with my group 'cause we kept talking roflmao. EPIC. Today is a good day because there isn't Math. It's the ONLY DAY oh gawwwwd TT^TT They should make more of such days 8( Anyway, then it was LA I think (?) lolololol. I forgot to bring my Macbeth text (again) so I was dozing off and doodling on my paper. Just passed my test from last term, see how inefficient she is? Last term, now then return. K can. Recess, stoned D: Then all the pretty much boring lessons + lunch (I ATE CHICKEN PIE WOW) + CME ._. CME was boring, was trying not to sleep again >< Haish. Then met up with Geena after school and we ate fruit tarts xD HAHA, delish~ Yup. Then 158-ed home :/ Practiced a bit of piano and then went off for piano lessons, I had an extra hour today D: Screwed lessons up like mad. Teacher is pissed off because the exam is on the 30th but I'm performing like the exam dates like, 30 years later. Screwed, I'm ready to fail >(

Finished sending out some instructions for POP >< Sian man. I don't even know what I'm doing O_O

Can't wait for Leadership Symposium! So cool! Even though it would mean missing RT which I don't want to DD: But nonetheless...!! (x Hahahaha. 

If you don't know how to cherish the people around you, then you don't deserve every single one of them. They've tried so hard for you because they thought that you were worth it, but turns out that you turned your back on them and did the worst thing that you could ever have done: betrayed them. I can't believe it. Honestly. I thought you would finally realise how this is affecting not just us, but you yourself. Don't you realise? Whenever you backstab us, it's not us who feel the pain, you are the one who should feel the pain because do you know how ugly it reflects on you? I mean, seriously, I'm used to this "oh-she's-such-a-conceited-bitch" kind of thing, but yeah, if you don't realise, that won't make anyone change their opinions of others. It just makes you look like some...I don't know. And you're losing all the people who used to trust you. Are you trying to harm me, or yourself? I seriously wonder.

Confused and upset. I don't know what to say, the date's just drawing oh so near.
